I’ve be trying to get a definite answer about data for ever. VW have no clear answer just ambiguous statements in their awful manuals and the dealers are non the wiser. Rant over.Did system updates eat the 70%?
I think I have a 3-year (?) package with Cubic included with my Nav pro. When that is spent - is there a way of going with someone other than Cubic and using the van as a hotspot with a data connection, rather than buying another mifi router?
(just re-ready your helpful first post - I can lock/unlock my MY22 with WeConnect)
I too have the Discover Media Pro with We Connect Plus. I am aware of Cubic and that seems a real con for 5GBs a month. I have Apple Music and an iPhone so CarPlay is what I use for everything ie music, TomTom etc. using the VW system for DAB.
But the question I have asked is do I get any data allowance included in my DiscoverMedia Pro for 3 years and if so have much data per month??? It’s simple enough but no one working for VW knows.
Did anyone actually tell you you have data included in the 3 year?