Driving heater problem

Can I ask a favour of those who have a digital thermometer and do not have climatronic option, I would like to know what temperature the hot air exiting the centre dash vent on your Cali is once the van is fully up to running temperature (90 deg C oil) and temp setting is at 22 deg, knob vertical, VW are telling me 27 - 28 deg C is normal.
Please clarify interpretation, you say set dial at 22degrees , why would 28 degrees be normal? Should it not be 22 as set at gauge ??
Please clarify interpretation, you say set dial at 22degrees , why would 28 degrees be normal? Should it not be 22 as set at gauge ??
When you set the dial to 22 degrees, that is what you are asking the temperature in that zone of the cabin to be maintained at. So it would stand to reason that the air coming out the vent needs to be higher than that to heat up the air in the cabin. Also it’s a big cabin when compared to a car so the heater will take longer and have to work harder to maintain temperature, but as I said in my post on the other thread we have never had an issue with ours working well so it does sound like you may have a problem.

P.s. the diesel heater I referred to in that other comment is the camping heater that you can use to pre-heat the cabin before a journey with one click on the key fob
I am having similar problems - long run last night 5 hours, mostly motorway about 6degrees outside: The only way to warm the cabin was to go to max which very quickly became too hot from screen/dash/floor but turning the basic temp control down just 2 clicks to half past 4 on dial (24 degrees at a guess) resulted in cold air. I couldn't get a comfortable medium on the whole journey!
I am having similar problems - long run last night 5 hours, mostly motorway about 6degrees outside: The only way to warm the cabin was to go to max which very quickly became too hot from screen/dash/floor but turning the basic temp control down just 2 clicks to half past 4 on dial (24 degrees at a guess) resulted in cold air. I couldn't get a comfortable medium on the whole journey!
When I had issues on my T5.1 with no climatic control used to have the best control at 75% (3 o'clock) in the hot direction before the cab was warm. I was told to turn the hot / cold knob to its limits a couple of time to reset the hot / cold control flap servo, worth a try.

VW California Club
