electric side door

Booked again, 5th appointment to fix door problem. Tomorrow i am going to drop my cali again at vw dealer. Lets see what outcome this time. Might this time vw fins some kind of rocket fix :upsidedown

Did you have any luck with the fix this time?
We are back in England after a very long holiday and will be contacting VW care centre again to follow up our complaint .
Will post the outcome.
I still think the problem is linked to the handle and would appreciate any feedback on this.
I would like to know which dealer changed the handle with seemed to solve the problem.
Hi Back again,

I got y cali last Friday after another try. i am attching mail whic i got from vw deler regarding my door isshu.

"Good Afternoon JK,

We have carried out extended electronic diagnosis to find stored faults relating to overheating caused by repeated usage, this is not a fault as the door is not designed to be opened and closed multiple times in succession.

We have however whilst testing re-aligned the door and have found no faults during normal operation.

I am having the vehicle cleaned ready for your collection today.

I trust that is acceptable,


At the time of delivery vw manager gave me demo and its look fine to me (as usual) but just when i parked on my driveway and tried (press) first time its gone bang again. I used my cali last weekend but, same problem occur around 5-10 times. This was 5th time but no solution.
vw just gave excuse about over heating. But how you get motor over heated if you using first time to close the door.

Any advice ?????

Hello Freeley,
Can you tell us which dealer advised changing the handle?
Been in to the van centre again and suggested they do this as every other part on the door has been replaced.
We rang customer care but they were busy and promised to get in touch tomorrow .
Not feeling optimistic about it but we are not giving up!
Carrs Exeter replaced the handle.
I've had no reoccurence of the fault since

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Thanks for your speedy reply Feeley.
We will inform customer care tomorrow and tell you what they say.
Hi Freeley,
Progress fixing the door is very slow.
Our van centre would like to know your vehicle's registration so they can get more information from Carr's.
We would be very grateful if you could forward this information.
Our E-mail is briandplant@+++++++.co.uk
Have sent you a PM

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Thanks Freeley for another speedy reply.
Here's hoping things will get moving!
Hi Guys

Back again with same problem.

caliblue have you got susses?

My Story: After 5-6 attempt my nearest dealer (City Gate) hands up and say to vw coustmor care i can not do more then that. they give-up.

Then vw CC arrange another investigation test which is done by different dealer (near Heathrow ) for a second opinion. and after investigation they came back the door PITCH STRIP :crazy needs to be change. after one week they changed it, but still my door problem remain same. :headbang

What a solution ....

Update on the door-we are still waiting to hear from the van centre-they have had the video for 3 weeks now.
We are going to contact them again and also vw customer care next week so will update you then.
Hi All,
I started a post on this issue some time ago but no-one seems to have an answer.
The trick is our door hardly fails when the van is on a flat surface. (Like in a dealers workshop). As soon as the van is parked on any slope it plays up.
For me the problem is with the door motor control. The door starts to close with a jolt and if that jolt is allowed to happen with the van on a slope the movement of the door causes the door safety to activate and the door returns. If I provide resistance or assist the door past the starting point the door will close correctly. This fault is almost as annoying as closing the door in the middle of the night to the sound of the warning sounder when everything is quiet at a campsite.
Mine behaves in a similar way to what you describe. I've found keeping the runners and rollers immaculately clean does improve things but they are very sensitive. As you say very annoying but I don't see it being fixed anytime soon and my warranty runs out in 5 days.

That said, I wouldn't be without the electric door!
After exploring all options with no success we decided to have the door changed to manual and now we don't have a problem!
Although the van is well out of warranty , as the problem was reported during the warranty period, the work was done free of charge and we must thank VW Manchester for finally putting the matter to an end.
The scratched wheel arch is to be painted,again free of charge.
Thanks for update Caliblue,

But its shame, vw not able to fix this problem. i am having same experience but no success. Now it’s more than a year but still i have same problem. i am also getting scratches on wheel arc.
VW charging premium amount for cali and each function required extra money.
VW has to be fix this fault on any cost. but i am not going to except other solution.
I am just waiting to get back the response from vw they did some king of monitoring last week.
If they doesn't come with any solution then i am going for legal action against vw. I already waste so much time and money on it.

My Question is that why we suffer we paid full money to vw.

I had many problems and finally got it fixed and it's fine now......

Was a faulty sensor
Hi BerndRos

Can you please tell me the name of sensor?

Well I had so many issues......open n close erratic.....door fell off the top runner in Lisbon.....had it repaired in Bologna......then erratic again......finally Murray in Plympton fitted a new sensor and it's worked fine for past year
We had a Caravelle with similar issues and the overheating fault after we had replaced the sliding door control unit. We replaced this control unit for a second time and all has been fine since.

My Question is that why we suffer we paid full money to vw.

The answer is that VW is not bothered what you or what most of its UK customers think. Plenty more where you came from who get seduced by cars with showroom appeal, but then learn to their cost that they might as well have bought a fiat or a Renault as VW build quality is crap these days. The strategy will sell cars in the short term, but plenty of folk will not be prepared to pay a premium for a below average product next time round.

Mercifully I did not get this attached on my van. Those of you who spent your hard earned money on what sounded like an interesting option, you have my sympathies.

Faults like those described in this topic would test the patience of a saint :headbang

What is it with VW and fancy door mechanisms?. My Audi s5 driver's door would not open in the cold as the window stayed resolutely up ! My repair place was unable to fix this fault. So you had to enter via the passenger side and this was a common fault in A5s

Electric door mechanisms in VWs are really best avoided. Like aluminium in VWs. The brand is being slowly devalued by nonsense like this
We had 2 control units and the sensor replaced along with ever other part relating to the door and still had problems.
Pleased to hear that some of you have had success but it wasn't to be for us.
Now we are happily disengaged!
P.S. We would never have another electric door.
As someone who has followed this post for some time I am surprised that the issue has not been resolved. Last weekend I noted the door was failing on most occasions. I sprayed WD40 at the upper and lower rollers and the problem disappeared. I realize it wont take long before it is failing again. At least I have some respite from the door for a while. :thumb
Hello All,

First of all Happy Easter.

i am back now after so may call to vw cc explaining to other dealers.
vw specialist mechanic from germany (over the mail or phone) he advice to my dealer change control unit and all running gears and sensors. as per instruction i suppose dealer changed all parts of my faulty door.

my cali back after 20 days bu...........................t

problem remain same. its little better then before but not fully fixed.

Any one lucky person?

Not sure if this is new information, but my electric side door has scratched the rear wheel arch and I've been advised by my local VW van centre (Carlisle) that there is a software solution that should stop the door doing the offending wobble as the door starts to close. The van centre is waiting for the software to be delivered to them in 3 to 4 weeks and then they'll apply it to my Cali. Fingers crossed!

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