Fitting replacement water tap in T6 Ocean



Guest User
Hi all. Tap packed up in my 3yr old Ocean. Assuming it to be micro switch failure. Sourced replacement tap via you as no local VW Van centre. Taken a look at fitting it myself and concerned that don’t have the tools/know how to undo nut on the old tap (behind sink & under work surface) without damaging it. Any suggestions ? (based in North Devon).
Hi @swgasman, I had to do exactly the same job on my 2016 Ocean a few weeks ago.
- Middle shelf out
- Lying on your back with head in the bottom of the cupboard. A head torch or similar shining up is a big help
- A pair of pliers opened right out was just wide enough to get purchase on the big black hexagonal nut.
- Once it had moved just a bit it was easy to undo by hand
- Tap can then be pulled up through the hole in the sink.
Hope that helps
Plumber's tool: adjustable basin wrench, Ebay £5-£10

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