Food storage



Guest User
Hi guys I am new to all this picked up my Cali last weekend and loving it. I do have a question for you knowledgable lot
What do you guys use to store your tea bags and coffee do you use tins or jars. Do they rattle about in the cupboards :?:
Hi kirk welcome. I use a tin I bought from ikea I also have some non slip matting in the cupboard to stop it rattling :thumb I hope this helps
Depents on what coffee you use , some like filters , senseo , ...
I use instant coffee in small one portion sachets , also sugar and milkpowder in one portion bags like the ones you sometimes get at pub/restaurant
Keep those things on the shelve underneeth the knives/forksdrawer , in little plastic transparant boxes with a lid .
Also always have some instant soups ( type royco minute soupe ) ,thee,some candy bars , choclate,...on that shelve
We decided when buying our 56 Cali that we would go the whole hog on storage.
We drove to our local John Lewis and went into the cooking section. Spoke to the manager and then preceded to take out to our camper a whole host of storage boxes - goodness knows how many! We spent half an hour getting the best fit for all the spaces under the sink, went back and bought the entire requirement (14-16 containers I recall). Result is that we have a fully fitted storage space that exhibits no rattles, and is ideal when you need to load up, take out while camping, or use elsewhere. Job done once and for all.
Woody135 said:
We decided when buying our 56 Cali that we would go the whole hog on storage.
We drove to our local John Lewis and went into the cooking section. Spoke to the manager and then preceded to take out to our camper a whole host of storage boxes - goodness knows how many! We spent half an hour getting the best fit for all the spaces under the sink, went back and bought the entire requirement (14-16 containers I recall). Result is that we have a fully fitted storage space that exhibits no rattles, and is ideal when you need to load up, take out while camping, or use elsewhere. Job done once and for all.

Do you remember what you bought? Might be a nice sticky subject :D
I use empty Horlicks jars (Plastic) they are oval in shape, I use 3 one each for Tbags, Coffee, Sugar. They are free if you drink Horlicks, but then I'm an OAP so I would wouldn't I. I have also lined all my shelves with non slip matting and cut a piece to fit top of cooker and fridge, it doesn't fall off when the glass doors are lifted for use and protects the tops.
The most useful thing that I have brought is a Tray with sides that exactly fits the top of the fridge, it saves moving everything you have put on top of the fridge whilst cooking etc. as I can lift the tray and its contents off in one hit if I need to get into the fridge, and it doesn't move in transit on the non slip matting. :thumb
I have a plastic basket on each shelf, they are full of tins, packets or whatever of food all packed in so it can't move & rattle. Also wrap all cutlery in the anti slip matting & have a kitchen towel folded to size over top of cutlery drawer. No rattles !
We use 4 large tupperware boxes (minus the lids) that fit perfectly into the shelf in each cupboard and inside each box, have a few smaller containers for tea, coffee, cutlery etc. it makes packing and unpacking easy as you can just lift each box out and stack them on top of each other at the end of each trip. No rattles at all and the non-slip matting on the shelving stops them moving around.
I went to Staples and took a load of boxes out to the car park to check sizes! I have clear stacking boxes with lids (blue clip) and tins fit in them. I keep one with mini olive oil, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce,tomato purée, herbs etc so it's easy for cooking outside. Non stick matting.
I took the cutlery tray out(waste of space) and a bacon box (white lid) from the Range fits perfectly front to back, for cutlery, and the rest of the drawer is free for kitchen utensils, lighter, flat grater etc. be careful though as the floor of the drawer is only corraflute material. (This winter's job is to find a replacement material)
tea bags in zip n seal bags. Coffee in a mini Nescafé jar. Proper coffee in normal packets. 2cup cafetiere and small silver coloured camping kettle(with strainer for tea or perky Coffee) from tesco fit in washing up bowl. Electric toaster and small kettle on bottom shelf above gas bottle. Camping saucepans inside colander, inside plastic mixing bowl on next shelf. Collapsible silicone stuff is good.
A large Tupperware type cake box(shallow, same range as bacon box, also available at Morrisons) fits under the sink with the picnic crockery, bowls upside down on top (the dip in the lid stops them moving), an ikea rectangular cotton zip drawer box ( don't know what to call it!) next to it with mugs in. Small glasses inside the mugs, shot glasses inside those!! Two china mugs with cheap wine glasses inside in front of the Tupperware box. Nothing rattles.
Shove your bin liners inside the tube of the kitchen roll!
I forgot to boxes make it easy to move stuff into the awning if you are away for some time, and it stops dust, ants, wasps etc getting in. It also makes packing easier. I take an under bed storage box for dry food in the awning. large Coleman coolbox for fruit and veg and soft drinks( it also stops red wine going sour in the heat abroad!) bread bag from Lakeland, baguette bag from Hyper U. Thin flexible chopping mats.
Those flexible buckets with moulded handles are great for washing up and washing clothes on site and to store bedding or wet towels etc whilst travelling.
Now that's what I call organised I will let my partner read it. Thank for all your great tips
Brilliant forum thanks kirk
Some great tips there i find ikea very useful for storage ideas :thumb
Has anyone got any specific references for four storage boxes to go in the four kitchen storage cupboards, and also two boxes/containers for clothes that will go nicely in the big under bed sliding drawer? Been looking but starting to get boggled by the variety, but nothing that looks to be a good fit.
I know this is a thread that has not been active for a while but just thought I would ask the question. How and what have you in the pull out drawer under the bench. Looking for organising ideas ??
I know this is a thread that has not been active for a while but just thought I would ask the question. How and what have you in the pull out drawer under the bench. Looking for organising ideas ??

Clothes. E-bags packed with them. I manage to fit in that draw enough clothes to be away almost indefinitely. I use the wardrobe, astonishingly, as a wardrobe, keeping skirts, dresses and posh tops in there plus fleece jackets.
We don't keep any food in the drawer as we find it all fits quite happily in the kitchen cupboards and fridge, as we keep our catering simple on the road, mainly buying fresh stuff each day as we travel.

In our case the bench drawer is for various gubbins and particularly anything we're most likely to want to be handy for the evenings. Laptop/tablets, boom-box speaker, cables and gizmos, books and magazines, Kindles. Our Crocs (yes I know, but still good for Cali'ing). Cali manuals (not needed to refer to for some while but they live in there). And a fold-up brolly.

I have a couple of shallow plastic trays in there just to stop stuff sliding around, but no authoritarian organising regime.

Like GJ we keep our clothes in the wardrobe (although in our case all in cubes, nothing hanging unless a special occasion trip). The 'airliner' cupboard has overnight stuff including wash bags and towels.
I know this is a thread that has not been active for a while but just thought I would ask the question. How and what have you in the pull out drawer under the bench. Looking for organising ideas ??
Hi we store 'hardware' such as small camp stove, extension lead, flip flops, fly swats, awning tie down kit, paranoid, an door knows what else that doesn't have an obvious home. The stuff sits in cardboard or plastic boxes to keep it tidy. Hope this helps. you'll find your own natural home for things in time.
We have a 'tupperware' box with a couple of head torches and a mini mag lite, emergency needle and thread, canvas tear/repair stuff...bits and pieces. Also a string of LED lights for the awning or inside on the underside of the top birth, some games, my ANKER sound box thingy and my i-pod full of 'banging toons', DAB radio, some packet porridge and tin of Lyons golden syrup, sometimes other condiments, small blanket, magazines, reading glasses...

VW California Club
