We have been experiencing an annoying squeak seemingly coming from inside the fridge in our '23 model Ocean. Reviewing "squeak" posts on this forum I discovered a 2019 post by @Kernowboy that talked of similar problem. Following his explanation I took off the under-fridge inspection hatch and started wobbling the compressor assembly and sure enough the squeak revealed itself. However it wasn't obvious where in the assembly it was coming from. After about 10 mins of squeaking I discovered it was coming from the bracket attached by two screws to the underside of the fridge box. The movement was tiny and I couldn't believe such a loud squeak was being originated from it. A few squirts of WD40 Silicone spray on the bracket and the screw heads and the squeak was removed. I've attached a photo of the offending bracket to help anyone with a similar problem in the future. So relieved to have removed this annoying noise from the van and it is a testament to how helpful this forum can be.