My neighbour and I have adjoining driveways. A while back she had a single large gate that opened away from my drive. The other neighbours with their fencing company that had supplied it noticed it was getting a bit tatty and offered to replace it. Unfortunately they didnt consider my drive or vehicles and replaced it with 2 gates one of which now opens towards my drive.
It's always worried me and I had a few sleepless windy nights when the cali was brand new. When its windy and you hear it rattling inches away from my van. It's not helped that she doesnt put the stay into the lock position (I literally do it every day).
This morning as I was about to drive away, I noticed the gate actually resting against my cali, but thankfully no damage as it was a very calm night (and I didnt pull away). I will be having discussions with the neighbour tonight thankfully she is nice.
So two questions:
1) Is it acceptable to have a gate opening onto my driveway, especially as I park a vehicle there.
2) Anyone know of any decent stops/stays I could drill into the concrete to prevent the gate opening onto my drive even if its loose?
I've dropped citizens advice a mail to ask their view but thought some of you may have experience?