Green Zones



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T6 Ocean 204
"Green-Zones", an app that could be of interest to those traveling to Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany:

"Who is allowed to drive in an European environmental zone, with which vehicle type, on what day, depending on what weather conditions? Where are the environmental zones? Where can I order the corresponding badges?

It’s easy to lose the overview. The Green-Zones app helps you and supports you with the following features:

• A detailed presentation of all the rules and exceptions of all the environmental zones in Europe where an environmental badge is mandatory.
• A detailed presentation of all the vignettes and badges available in Europe, and the 17 types of vehicles allowed to obtain one of them according to their EU-Norm and their first date of registration.
• A geo-data based map system indicating the contours of all the environmental zones, including a zoom function.
• The daily information coming from the local authorities responsible for the environmental zone in order to know the rules and traffics bans planned for the next day.
• Reports of announcements from the authorities for temporary traffic restrictions in an environmental zone for the next day.
• An easy and quick way to order each European badge or vignette on the app."
"Green-Zones", an app that could be of interest to those traveling to Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany:

"Who is allowed to drive in an European environmental zone, with which vehicle type, on what day, depending on what weather conditions? Where are the environmental zones? Where can I order the corresponding badges?

It’s easy to lose the overview. The Green-Zones app helps you and supports you with the following features:

• A detailed presentation of all the rules and exceptions of all the environmental zones in Europe where an environmental badge is mandatory.
• A detailed presentation of all the vignettes and badges available in Europe, and the 17 types of vehicles allowed to obtain one of them according to their EU-Norm and their first date of registration.
• A geo-data based map system indicating the contours of all the environmental zones, including a zoom function.
• The daily information coming from the local authorities responsible for the environmental zone in order to know the rules and traffics bans planned for the next day.
• Reports of announcements from the authorities for temporary traffic restrictions in an environmental zone for the next day.
• An easy and quick way to order each European badge or vignette on the app."

Great hint, thank youI‘ll check if there‘s an iOS Version.
Just been having a play with this on iOS. Map is certainly useful to identify the zones but I think if you buy a badge through the App you get stung on the price. I just had a look for a Crit Air sticker and the wanted €29.65. Through the official website it’s only about €4.21

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Green-Zones von Green-Zones GmbH
Saved me checking. Thanks.
Just make sure these apps don't lead you to sites to buy emission stickers for a bonus prize... There are sites around that e.g. charge you over € 20 for a € 4 french sticker, or likewise for german stickers...

Also be aware that they seem to have info only for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany. Nothing yet on e.g. The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht in effect, Arnhem and Maastricht planned) or the plethora of Italian LEZs. So you still have to watch road signs carefully in those other countries!
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Have just bought a German umweltplakette from the Berlin city website for 6 euro. Other sites were asking as much as 21 euro.

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

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