EU Green Zones



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Green Zones. Does anybody know whether a window sticker is required for each country/city or, for example, is a German Berlin sticker valid in other German cities and other countries ie Belgium/France/Denmark/etc. I suspect a separate sticker for each country but can’t seem to find the answer.
The German cities all use the same sticker (Umweltplakette) AFAIK. But no, a French sticker (CritAir) is no use in Germany, and vice versa.

I believe there a are couple of reciprocal schemes, eg Germany and Czech, but broadly speaking it's country-specific.

I suspect others will be more clued up than me so just regard all that as a provisional answer.
Thanks. On a grand EU tour it might be difficult to see through the windscreen with all the stickers :) :)
I'm pretty sure if you google there's a site with all info per country in your language , these rules change in time as more and more city's banning older verhicles .
If i go somewhere abroad where never been i always check first after entering Tjechië from Poland not knowing you needed a vignette until i saw it advertised in the gasstation.
Checking the correct sites gives the best info and you can plan avoiding the zones or park-up and head in to town by public transport.
I'm pretty sure if you google there's a site with all info per country in your language , these rules change in time as more and more city's banning older verhicles .
If i go somewhere abroad where never been i always check first after entering Tjechië from Poland not knowing you needed a vignette until i saw it advertised in the gasstation.
Checking the correct sites gives the best info and you can plan avoiding the zones or park-up and head in to town by public transport.
I'm pretty sure if you google there's a site with all info per country in your language , these rules change in time as more and more city's banning older verhicles .
If i go somewhere abroad where never been i always check first after entering Tjechië from Poland not knowing you needed a vignette until i saw it advertised in the gasstation.
Checking the correct sites gives the best info and you can plan avoiding the zones or park-up and head in to town by public transport.

This website seems to be the best for environmental zones, although it doesn't cover tax stickers like the Swiss vignette:

The only issue with leaving it until you travel is that it can take a week or so to get some of the environmental stickers, eg the German one, you have to send off for it. You can't just stop at a gas station and buy it, as you can with (eg) a Swiss vignette. (Please correct me if I am wrong on that).
@Velma's Dad , i agree on timing , however i got my French vignette send over in a week and bought my German one in the Belgian VAB Headquarter (what you call AA) thesame day. Austria,Tjechië and maybe others you buy at the border/gasstation.

It's the LEZ zones that are more complicated and change from time to time
Are they time limited?
The emissions stickers, eg Crit'Air and Umweltplakette, are not time limited. They are in effect a visible certification that the vehicle meets a certain particulate emissions standard, based on its engine spec (ie Euro 5, 6 etc). Once you have the relevant sticker, it will last for the lifetime of the vehicle. So in that sense it's a one-off job/cost.

(Unlike the tax stickers, eg Swiss vignette, which are time limited, eg the Swiss one is an annual purchase if you want to use the Swiss motorways).
Just be careful where you order them from, go direct to the country 6 euros or so plus a few euros postage. There are a few sites that make out/ look they are official, they charge you £30 for doing it for you.

All applications require a scan of page 2 of your V5, the zfrench is a really low resolution copy, online applications dead easy and received the stickers within 5 days in my case.

it is a sticker per country in the main, so much for EU harmonisation. Links to official sites no agency fees.

In Belgium you need to register your vehicle if you want to go to Gent, Antwerpen or Brussel.
In France you'd need a Crit'air sticker, 1 time purchase.
In Germany you need another sticker, and some cities just ban diesel cars, all of them.
Search the rules per country, because they can change over time.
Just be careful where you order them from, go direct to the country 6 euros or so plus a few euros postage. There are a few sites that make out/ look they are official, they charge you £30 for doing it for you.

All applications require a scan of page 2 of your V5, the zfrench is a really low resolution copy, online applications dead easy and received the stickers within 5 days in my case.

it is a sticker per country in the main, so much for EU harmonisation. Links to official sites no agency fees.

Thanks for this link to the 'offical' German Badge site. Very hard to find on Google! I was about to pay 15EUR for this from TUV Sud.

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