Hallo Cali. Lovers!

De Witte

De Witte

T6 Ocean 150
Hello Cali lovers

We are a family of 3 living in Belgium (Berchem) and have been driving around in our VW Cali since 2019. Ocean (De Witte).

Does anyone have experience with steps that you can hook into the B-pillar.

Thanks in advance for your response!

Hello Cali lovers

We are a family of 3 living in Belgium (Berchem) and have been driving around in our VW Cali since 2019. Ocean (De Witte).

Does anyone have experience with steps that you can hook into the B-pillar.

Thanks in advance for your response!

View attachment 59834
Dag Familie De Witte, welgekomen! I don't have one (yet), but I do step on the hook occasionally to reach the roof. 78kg, without a crack. Still am planning to buy one, since it's reducing the vertical charge on it quit some. I think I even saw them somewhere with a VW logo on.
Some comments here regarding such a step
Considered buying one once. Did the research. Didn't buy. Mostly because I can't stop buying things for the van but really didn't need it ;-) This is what I found back then:

"Every vehicle door latch must be able to withstand a vertical force of 2500 pounds and a horizontal force of 2000 pounds without failure."

So, that shouldn't be a worry I guess. There's an american made product called 'Gear Moki', which you can find quite a lot of info about. Then there's a lot of similair (and cheaper) items from places like aliexpress. Harder to know if they are of similair quality. But I bet they do the job as well.

Only thing is to make sure the product is designed so as not to damage the car. You can find that in the products description. Mostly deals with the material on the backside of the tol, where it touches the van .But most will be just fine is my guess.
Deze heeft een beschermlaagje aan de achterkant om schade aan de lak te voorkomen. Qua gewicht kan het sowieso niet misgaan. Voor 6 dollar ga ik het misschien maar gewoon eens proberen.

Alvast bedankt voor de reacties en ja dat koopgedrag ken ik :happyDie dingen zijn inderdaad niet duur, maar twijfel toch nog.Heb ook wat filmpjes met schade gezien.Onder de rubberen rand zitten namelijk 2 schroeven die zich op den duur toch gaan manifesteren in het plaatstaal. Did kan ook met de vorm van B-stijl te maken hebben. Twijfels!:Nailbiting

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