Help in identifying colours for interior plastic trim



Guest User
I need to specify some bits for the inside of my 2015 Beach, but I'm a bit bamboozled by the colours. The interior plastic pillars are darker grey at the bottom and paler at the top, blending into the ceiling. The steps appear to be the same grey as the bottom of the pillars. 'Classic grey' and 'pearl grey' are mentioned, but can anyone definitively identify which bits are which grey?

It didn't help that when I rang VW and gave them my registration number, they told me one of my steps was satin black and one was grey...hmmmm. They definitely are not!
Try taking a trim off and looking at the part number, if it looks something like this {7H0 867 292DJ 92W} then the last three characters are the colour code. 92W happens to be Moonrock Grey.


VW California Club
