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How to Fix Kitchen Tap and Water Pump Problem and solution.

You can buy just a new microswitch ...
Brilliant. Thank you for sharing this. I immediately bought one just to have on hand. I love this forum! :thumb
This (and a few other threads) were of great help, as I've had 3 different issues already with the water system in the California. I've learned a few things as I fixed all of them, including replacing the water pump following the explanations on this post, so I decided to document all problems in case it helps others. Here's a first guide on how to identify which problem you are actually experiencing:

I hope it helps! I'll update this thread as I complete the detailed step-by-step guides (feel free to drop by that article and give me some claps and comments for motivation!)
A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to both this thread and others as well, all relating to water pump problems. There are way too many to thank individually.
Suffice to say, new water pump installed successfully after following the many posts offering diagnostic advice relating to fuses, micro switch, etc.
Trickiest problem was replacing the tiny micro switch spring which inevitably pinged off whilst removing tap handle.
Thank you forum
New Cali owner here, having bought my 2018 california five months ago.

Water just stopped working.
* Fuse seemed ok
* looked at microswitch, looked clean but fiddled with it
* tried to see if there was any draw from the battery -nothing.
* tried to bypass the microswitch, nothing
* checked fuse again, blown.
* replaced fuse and tried tap. nothing.
* checked fuse, seemed ok
* tried bypassing the microswitch, nothing
* checked fuse, blown
* opened tank and pulled out pump and tried fiddling with the little fans at the bottom (not sure I did much)
* checked microswitch and lost the tiny bent bit getting the tap back on. Took some fiddling but got it back and tap back on, Phew!
* replaced fuse, and tried it with the top of the tank off (and so no tank level measure)
watched the display and there was no change to power - nothing at the tap
* checked fuse, still ok
* replaced the top of the tank, tried again - short power pull, no noise from the pump, fuse blown.

So i guess that the pump needs replacing.

I am a bit nervous about doing it myself. Does anyone know someone in the Brighton area (or not too far) that could replace the pump without charing a VW fortune?

Thank you
If you Google 'mobile caravan servicing east sussex' it should come up with a few companies that will come to your home and fix it. I did this in Dorset and I can't remember the cost but I was surprised how little it was.
If you've gotten as far as examining the pump, then replacing it with one from your local caravan shop is very easy. You've done the hard work.
New Cali owner here, having bought my 2018 california five months ago.

Water just stopped working.
* Fuse seemed ok
* looked at microswitch, looked clean but fiddled with it
* tried to see if there was any draw from the battery -nothing.
* tried to bypass the microswitch, nothing
* checked fuse again, blown.
* replaced fuse and tried tap. nothing.
* checked fuse, seemed ok
* tried bypassing the microswitch, nothing
* checked fuse, blown
* opened tank and pulled out pump and tried fiddling with the little fans at the bottom (not sure I did much)
* checked microswitch and lost the tiny bent bit getting the tap back on. Took some fiddling but got it back and tap back on, Phew!
* replaced fuse, and tried it with the top of the tank off (and so no tank level measure)
watched the display and there was no change to power - nothing at the tap
* checked fuse, still ok
* replaced the top of the tank, tried again - short power pull, no noise from the pump, fuse blown.

So i guess that the pump needs replacing.

I am a bit nervous about doing it myself. Does anyone know someone in the Brighton area (or not too far) that could replace the pump without charing a VW fortune?

Thank you
Campersales up the road in Burgess Hill. Advertisement banner appears on this page!
Very useful information, we have just had 2 days away with no water pump working , at some point over the last few months my wife mentioned something running ( i am profoundly deaf and wear a cochlear impant) so took me a while and found the tap was slightly on , causing the pump to run constantly, but not open enough to let water through although at that point there may have been no water ? But the bowl was in and nothing in that, the question is if you leave the tap open slightly and no water is coming through, and then you close glass top ( single one piece one on SE) would the glass lid shut the tap ?? As i also think that the plastic bowl in the sink when bouncing about could push the tap up and on far enough to run pump but not let water though ?? As anyone got any thought on this !! I was thinking of sticking a small piece of foam to the glass top directly above the tap lever so when the lid is down it shuts the tap !
Again any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated
Very useful information, we have just had 2 days away with no water pump working , at some point over the last few months my wife mentioned something running ( i am profoundly deaf and wear a cochlear impant) so took me a while and found the tap was slightly on , causing the pump to run constantly, but not open enough to let water through although at that point there may have been no water ? But the bowl was in and nothing in that, the question is if you leave the tap open slightly and no water is coming through, and then you close glass top ( single one piece one on SE) would the glass lid shut the tap ?? As i also think that the plastic bowl in the sink when bouncing about could push the tap up and on far enough to run pump but not let water though ?? As anyone got any thought on this !! I was thinking of sticking a small piece of foam to the glass top directly above the tap lever so when the lid is down it shuts the tap !
Again any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated
I don’t think the position of the tap spout makes any difference to the flow. The tap lever operates the pump switch and mechanical flow. If the tap lever is only slightly “on” it will operate the pump but not allow water to flow.
Very useful information, we have just had 2 days away with no water pump working , at some point over the last few months my wife mentioned something running ( i am profoundly deaf and wear a cochlear impant) so took me a while and found the tap was slightly on , causing the pump to run constantly, but not open enough to let water through although at that point there may have been no water ? But the bowl was in and nothing in that, the question is if you leave the tap open slightly and no water is coming through, and then you close glass top ( single one piece one on SE) would the glass lid shut the tap ?? As i also think that the plastic bowl in the sink when bouncing about could push the tap up and on far enough to run pump but not let water though ?? As anyone got any thought on this !! I was thinking of sticking a small piece of foam to the glass top directly above the tap lever so when the lid is down it shuts the tap !
Again any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated
As a visual aid you could always fit a flashing led to the sink that comes on whenever the pump is running.
Hi I know the spout as nothing to do with its position and flow , its the lever next to it , which is being knocked by the bowl ?? , I am going back down shortly and will have a look to see if the bowl can do this, as when we use it , we would always push the lever all the way down as always , so something must be pushing slightly open !!!
New Cali owner here, having bought my 2018 california five months ago.

Water just stopped working.
* Fuse seemed ok
* looked at microswitch, looked clean but fiddled with it
* tried to see if there was any draw from the battery -nothing.
* tried to bypass the microswitch, nothing
* checked fuse again, blown.
* replaced fuse and tried tap. nothing.
* checked fuse, seemed ok
* tried bypassing the microswitch, nothing
* checked fuse, blown
* opened tank and pulled out pump and tried fiddling with the little fans at the bottom (not sure I did much)
* checked microswitch and lost the tiny bent bit getting the tap back on. Took some fiddling but got it back and tap back on, Phew!
* replaced fuse, and tried it with the top of the tank off (and so no tank level measure)
watched the display and there was no change to power - nothing at the tap
* checked fuse, still ok
* replaced the top of the tank, tried again - short power pull, no noise from the pump, fuse blown.

So i guess that the pump needs replacing.

I am a bit nervous about doing it myself. Does anyone know someone in the Brighton area (or not too far) that could replace the pump without charing a VW fortune?

Thank you
Mark - to replace then pump is very simple - you have done the hard work of all the electric checks and, of getting into the water tank and checking the veins of the pump - You have then reassembled it and tested it for the pump to start, stop and blow a fuse .

Replacing the pump is simply a case of purchasing a new one of the existing or similar make - I went for a Whale Pump (made in the UK - a little more expensive but more readily available).

You've done the electrics so no more testing there other than removing and replacing the pump fuse so you can work on the wires.
The pump simply unplugs from the water tube.
You plug in the new one.
The electrics simply wire in to the existing cables with cable connectors.
You may need to cut the ends and strip a little (just a little) but am sure you've changed a plug before and it's a easy as that.

I am the least practical person going. It took me two hours of careful step by step work.
You have managed all of the work involved in your test, except replacing the pump.
So to replace the pump is simply a repeat of the work you have already done and just taking the final step.

Why pay someone when you already have the skills to do this ?

You CAN do this.
If you've gotten as far as examining the pump, then replacing it with one from your local caravan shop is very easy. You've done the hard work.
Thank you, and thank you to all the posters here, for giving me the confidence and information to replace the pump. All working fine now. I particuarly want to thank post #169 for using a wrench and handle to open the top.

£25 for a new pump, £3.10 for fuses (well £6.20 as i bought a spare set) and £1.50 for chocolate box connectors.

My only concern was when i put it all back together and tap was working the display for the water tank level was flashing. I took it apart made sure the float was moving freely and put it together again and it was still flashing. Then started the engine and it is now all showing properly.
Thank you, and thank you to all the posters here, for giving me the confidence and information to replace the pump. All working fine now. I particuarly want to thank post #169 for using a wrench and handle to open the top.

£25 for a new pump, £3.10 for fuses (well £6.20 as i bought a spare set) and £1.50 for chocolate box connectors.

My only concern was when i put it all back together and tap was working the display for the water tank level was flashing. I took it apart made sure the float was moving freely and put it together again and it was still flashing. Then started the engine and it is now all showing properly.
Well done, you've saved a few pennies and you've learnt a lot about your Cali.
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Close all carefully and GO................................ JOB Done!!!
Total cost : £19 + DIY Enjoyment.

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Amazing post as exactly what’s happened to my cali after winter drain of the tank…. Made my own wood tool and hey presto the lid is off … just ordered the new pump off Amazon for £25 so hopefully once replaced then that will do the trick
I replaced my pump yesterday but it's still not working
I now onow it's not the fuse, pump or micro switch. Any more ideas welcome
This thread has been invaluable and my intermittent tap is now working as it should. Cleaning the microswitch contacts is not a solution, it works for a bit but the long term solution is the relay. Even replacing the tap with a new one is not a n long term answer as the problem will recur unless a relay is fitted.
Hi I’ve now also got the non working tap problem on my 2022 Ocean. Before I start replacing parts etc thought I’d check for views re symptoms and most likely possible cause. After 2 weeks of use on holiday it suddenly started to have a slower flow for a day or so then spluttered to a stop. Now when trying it you can hear pump activate when tap is opened a bit of spluttering and then the control panel stops it with its protection message re filling tank with water etc. So having read this thread and others I shorted the connector under the sink (bypassing the tap switch) with the tap in open position, again can hear power activating the pump but still just a splutter and no water flow, couple of seconds of this and the control panel warning and protection shut off kicks in. I opened water tank for a look pump looks visibly ok hose connected ok and I could rotate impellers do not jammed!

So what’s the most likely issue? As I open tap I can hear pump trying (so assuming micro switch at least working?) when I bypass the tap switch I get the same weak sound with some air splutter from tap only before protection cut off kicks in. This implies pump problem but on visual examination it looks fine (re wires and hose connections) and impeller free ok. It’s also only 2 years old!

I’ve got a spare pump and micro switch, thinking trying replacing pump, first what do others think?
Meant to also add, appreciate I can go down the warranty route but that’s a 4 hour round trip and most likely several weeks before I get an appointment and probably will either be asked to leave it with them or come back for another appointment to fit part!!
Hope this helps someone

I had the non-working tap issue.

The wiring near the water tank was showing correctly with a multimeter at 11.7 V

However, the old pump and a new pump wouldn’t run when temporarily connected.

I now know this was due to the micros switch being dirty and I have to assume that even though the wiring was showing 11.7 V the connection with the micros switch wasn’t good enough under load to run the pump.

As instructed elsewhere, I took the part of the tap off and cleaned the micro switch and gave it a spray and once back together after blowing a fuse and replacing it the original pump started running perfectly well :)
And now Final step: fill water in water tank (you can check with out water as well). and start tap.
i got success now i have running tap water in my cali.

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I have to say thank you very much for the guide. I had this issue and just replaced my pump on my own for £23. Without this conversation thread I wouldn’t have known what to do. Very happy I’ve sorted it before we go to France!







Very helpful thread and I was able to replace the pump more easily than I thought. The main problem I had was threading the new pump wires and covering through the rubber grommet as it exits the tank. Some of the posts seem to imply that this is visible or perhaps even in a different place on the tank to mine. I could only just about feel it from both the outside and the inside of the tank. Certainly not visible. I managed to do it by passing a wire in the reverse direction, this to the end of the pump wire and pulling it through. Took a few goes but worked.
Seeing the water come out of the tap does give a real sense of satisfaction (especially when you've just got the van back from the VW garage for a roof sensor problem which cost £140 diagnostic fee then £150 pre hour labour).

VW California Club
