Injured dog



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Royal Borough of Greenwich
T6 Beach 150
Reluctant to visit the vet at this time, I’m after advice over a little injury Meg has on her rear left ankle.

It appears to be some sort of abrasion or cut and we don’t know how she picked it up. But she keeps licking it so it is slow to heal. We first noticed it about 5 days ago and there seems to be some improvement as the under skin has closed over the wound and it is no longer weeping.

What should we do:
- Elizabethan collar for five days and see if that helps?
- crepe bandage for five days and see if that helps? (I suspect she’ll chew it off)
- visit the vet ASAP?
- something else?
- nothing?
For best advice, visit the vets.
Hopefully nothing and you’ll regret taking her, but the bill might be worth peace of mind.
For best advice, visit the vets.
Hopefully nothing and you’ll regret taking her, but the bill might be worth peace of mind.

Thing is, I like to think that we take as much care of Meg’s medical needs as we do with our boys. And that is our general yardstick.

We wouldn’t dream of booking an appointment with our GP if one of the boys had such a minor abrasion. It is not the vet bill which makes us reluctant, but the need to avoid close contact.

I have carried out an option not mentioned: I’ve emailed the vet for advice.
Thing is, I like to think that we take as much care of Meg’s medical needs as we do with our boys. And that is our general yardstick.

We wouldn’t dream of booking an appointment with our GP if one of the boys had such a minor abrasion. It is not the vet bill which makes us reluctant, but the need to avoid close contact.

I have carried out an option not mentioned: I’ve emailed the vet for advice.
You could clean it with warm salt water, when Zebedee picks up any knocks that’s what I do or he just takes care of it himself licking and cleaning it. He’s still alive and nearly 11 :thumb
Just keep an eye on it.
Clean with salty water and put a head cone on her so she doesn't lick the wound and gives it a chance to heal ! If she goes off food or is not itself vets ASAP.
It is not the vet bill which makes us reluctant, but the need to avoid close contact.
At our Vet you can either handover the end of the lead in the carpark, or let the vet open the boot & get the dog out, I don't know how much less contact you could get.
Reluctant to visit the vet at this time, I’m after advice over a little injury Meg has on her rear left ankle.

It appears to be some sort of abrasion or cut and we don’t know how she picked it up. But she keeps licking it so it is slow to heal. We first noticed it about 5 days ago and there seems to be some improvement as the under skin has closed over the wound and it is no longer weeping.

What should we do:
- Elizabethan collar for five days and see if that helps?
- crepe bandage for five days and see if that helps? (I suspect she’ll chew it off)
- visit the vet ASAP?
- something else?
- nothing?
If there are no other signs or symptoms, off her food or limping etc: the Meg is treating herself as dogs have done for millenia. She is keeping it clean and moist so it doesn't crust over and scab. After 19 yrs with a mad collie-cross who only had one speed, turbo, they know what to do. I would do nothing and just observe.
Molly, our border collie, had a similar wound on her front leg which, due to the constant licking, wouldn’t heal. Vet made a donut shaped dressing which allowed air to get to the wound and held it on with a special sock. Still took a while to heal but all good in the end. She said they can turn ulcerous so definitely a good idea to contact your vet.
You could clean it with warm salt water, when Zebedee picks up any knocks that’s what I do or he just takes care of it himself licking and cleaning it. He’s still alive and nearly 11 :thumb
Just keep an eye on it.
I would second that. Having grown up with working collies, they can usually deal with minor abrasions themselves.
If she is giving it too much attention, Elizabethan collar.
I hope that she makes a speedy recovery.
Looks a bit like she's had a seed stuck in her fur and it's burrowed in and caused the wound. I'd check it's gone, then bathe with saline and dress for a couple of days.
Looks a bit like she's had a seed stuck in her fur and it's burrowed in and caused the wound. I'd check it's gone, then bathe with saline and dress for a couple of days.

I hadn’t considered a germinating seed, but it sounds entirely plausible given the small cut now closed.

There has been a marked improvement over the past 2 days with fur beginning to regrow and no observed licking. I’m still waiting an email reply from the vet, and will follow her advice.
We would probably put a cooler on and some seudocreme and see how our dog was in a few days
Vet said to cut the toe off a child’s sock, put it on Meg’s foot to stop her licking it and see if it starts to heal.
Vet said to cut the toe off a child’s sock, put it on Meg’s foot to stop her licking it and see if it starts to heal.
Quick reply!
How’s Meg doing?

Her leg looks fine - just a bare patch. Socks lasted five minutes before being pulled off so we got a buster collar. That lasted 30 seconds before being destroyed!

But at nearly nine years old, she is just beginning to show her age. Stiff in the mornings and after long walks. I have known collies to live to 16 or 17, so hopefully she won’t deteriorate too quickly.
Her leg looks fine - just a bare patch. Socks lasted five minutes before being pulled off so we got a buster collar. That lasted 30 seconds before being destroyed!

But at nearly nine years old, she is just beginning to show her age. Stiff in the mornings and after long walks. I have known collies to live to 16 or 17, so hopefully she won’t deteriorate too quickly.
Glad she’s on the mend.
I give Zeb some cod liver oil on his food, it works great for loosening his old joints as he suffered loads from that. It’s good for there coat too, you can buy it in petsathome.:thumb
Her leg looks fine - just a bare patch. Socks lasted five minutes before being pulled off so we got a buster collar. That lasted 30 seconds before being destroyed!

But at nearly nine years old, she is just beginning to show her age. Stiff in the mornings and after long walks. I have known collies to live to 16 or 17, so hopefully she won’t deteriorate too quickly.
Our Collie Cross, heaven knows what the Cross was, passed away at 19 yrs and 3 months. We had him for 18 yrs and 3 months and the Local Dog Charity said he was at least 1 yr old when we adopted him.
19 yrs of Insurance, no visits to the vets apart from the annual visit for vaccinations.
Jet would never sleep in the house, come rain or shine, summer or winter, at 10 pm he would lie by the door waiting to be let out into the garden and to his kennel. In the morning he would be waiting by the back door to be let into the house. With 5 kids he was kept very active.
He passed away in his sleep in his basket in the kitchen One afternoon.

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