Is this what the GC should of looked like


Wondering Star

T6 Beach 150
Check out the new Knaus Boxstar XL lifetime/ family.
They also show a great poptop to on other Boxstar models.
Much better looking than the Grand Cali with the avantage of a useable roof bed.
I prefer the length wise bed in the Lifetime (versus sideways main bed in GC600) and the top bed looks more useable. However the finish doesn’t look close to quality of the GC.
Yes a great use of space and has great curb side appeal

I feel a Fiat owners club starting.
It's a pity that this Knaus Saint-Sinner camper, a prototype from 2017, on Crafter did not make it. Much better looking than the GC.
It's a pity that this Knaus Saint-Sinner camper, a prototype from 2017, on Crafter did not make it. Much better looking than the GC.
View attachment 64834
That's the way to do it!
It's a pity that this Knaus Saint-Sinner camper, a prototype from 2017, on Crafter did not make it. Much better looking than the GC.
View attachment 64834
I think the Crafter looks quite good like this. At the link, the fiat in two-tone just doesn’t work.
Doesn’t do it for me, don’t like the quiff on the front :confused:

VW California Club
