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I've got the shower

It is not something i would carry in my Cali but find it very intresting you posted it . Allthough it need some finetuning
Don't let others get you turned on , not many go skiing in their Cali .
You diserve all credit!
Apologies before I start I will be ranting on this one.

Ok California owners I think I must have missed something here.

I thought it was all about that sense of freedom load the van with the gear you think you need and see the world.

I was not told that when I purchased my van that there where certain rules and regulations that I had to abide by and that I can’t use my van for whatever I like.

If I want to have a small generator a bench with a grinder and some welding gear in there I would have to purchase a transit or indeed if I felt the need to have a shower in there I would have to purchase a Hymer.

I will be straight down to the dealer on Monday morning. I think I have been miss- sold.

On a safety note can I suggest that we all have seat belts fitted to our computer seats in the event that we read something that may put us at risk of falling off the seat.

At present this would not be compulsory but I think with some campaigning we could get the dealer to make it another condition of owning a California.
I love any wacky or original idea for the van.
Wouldn't it be better to use this tent outside, then there is no risk of flooding the floor.
I have a floor less pop up loo tent, that I intend to shower in if its cold or I need privacy.if placed under the awning, it almost feels like inside ....but I might want to roll the van forward off the wet patch when I have finished!

Is not a tent, it's a waterproof shower cabinet designed to be used safely inside the van. And yes, you can use it outside if you want, but I wouldn't use a waterproof tray for that, I'd rather use a tent or tarp.
Guys, I'm just sharing what I think it's a good idea and, of course, I know that's not the cup of tea of every one here.

I think the above sums it up.
Thanks for sharing, glad it works for your van use.It is not on my lists of must have in my van. If it was I think I would have gone for a small motor home with a shower on board. I would worry I would flood the van or have an issue with too much condensation using the shower cabinet bag you have.
For example, I was a week sleeping and skiing here... not the most nice place to have an outdoor shower and, being skiing, wet towels are not enought (for us). In that occasion fortunatelly mi friend had a proper motorhome with shower, otherwise at the end of the week we would smell like rotten.

Looks beautiful!
It is not something i would carry in my Cali but find it very intresting you posted it . Allthough it need some finetuning
Don't let others get you turned on , not many go skiing in their Cali .
You diserve all credit!

Hi Hotel California, I'm genuinely interested in fine tuning ideas, maybe I could implement some of them. I'm still working in the approach to store both fresh and grey water. I think I'll make something with flexible bags to save space.
I've updated the first post to provide with more technical details and remove other forum's users references.
Although the Shower is not for me, the company that makes it has some interesting stuff.

Yes they do. I've got several items from them and I'm very happy with them. To someone I've made some adjustments, but all what I've got are very well made.

In the picture I've publish above, if you pay attention to the yellow Cali, mine one, you can see a pop roof cover and windscreen cover (both can be attached to each other). And inside I was using their roof isolator.

Also got a whole-van cover because I was planing to park my Cali in a non quite safe place (where my Passat were keyed), but now I park in a private care park so never used it. But it looks pretty fine as well.

I'm very interestet in how you spend yhe week in the van when you ski. I go several times a year, and now that I have bought a California (before I had a Multivan and 2 Caravelles - I still have one caravelle - but never had the guts) I would like to take a trip like that to my favorite skistation. I'm lucky that I have a friend who bought a loft over there, so showering and washing etc will not be an issue, but the sleepingplaces are quick taking by other friends so I think about sleeping, having warm enough after a day of of piste ski etc etc...
I have a 12v shower, one of those might be very useful for use in the awning, my vans usually too full but it would be nice in winter to have the option to use it inside if weather was extreme.
No problems but you will need a Topper, we've stayed in our for skiing and have been warm enough with the topper on (-10)
Thanks for sharing this idea! This is why I keep reading this forum.
Just by "inventing and trying" all those past years, finally great practical ideas come to production in our loved campervans...
I've updated the first post to provide with more technical details and remove other forum's users references.


I get it. The California is all about freedom for me. It offers the ability to go just about anywhere you can take a vehicle and have everything you need for your adventures. Your idea of a shower in there, especially if it can be tucked away when not in use does allow you to adventure out of your van in very cold conditions. Keep doing your thing!
Thanks California4x4,

The shower, when folded, takes roughtly the same space tham the Cali Beach windscreen isolator, much less that a roof cover, so when not in use it does not takes too much room.

If hot you can use the shower outside, and if cold you can use the shower cabin inside.

To me is a must for long trips because I usually don't stop in camp sites.
Thanks California4x4,

The shower, when folded, takes roughtly the same space tham the Cali Beach windscreen isolator, much less that a roof cover, so when not in use it does not takes too much room.

If hot you can use the shower outside, and if cold you can use the shower cabin inside.

To me is a must for long trips because I usually don't stop in camp sites.

Estresao, we think your shower idea is fab, and we've been enjoying picturing you using it.

Whoops that came out wrong. :embarrased
Estresao, this exactly what I'm looking for !! With 3 children, we definitely need a shower inside the cali, and NO, I don't want to switch to a big camper van.
We recently made a two weeks trip in northern Spain, and the temperature was definitely too cold for an external shower. Can you tell me how much time you need for the setup ?
This post is now 2 years old, are you still happy with this solution ?
Estresao, this exactly what I'm looking for !! With 3 children, we definitely need a shower inside the cali, and NO, I don't want to switch to a big camper van.
We recently made a two weeks trip in northern Spain, and the temperature was definitely too cold for an external shower. Can you tell me how much time you need for the setup ?
This post is now 2 years old, are you still happy with this solution ?

I can tell you I'm happy with mine (but then I'm not with 3 children):
It takes me something like 2 minutes to set up (the warm water I make upfront) and one minute to dismount. And 10 to clean it when back home. But to me that last part is worth it. I sometimes use the van in stealth mode in city centers, like after late dinners. No need for pumps; I just leave the water in the big box. There's no more steam production than when putting up a kettle, and of course you open a bit the windows.
I have to admit I had to get used being naked in the limo-tinted car. But since an early street cleaner came smoking a cigaret just beside me, and did not guess a thing, I got confident. More than while 'al fresco' showering in summer fields.

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