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My friend has a Tesla model Y and has towed his caravan once. It’s one of the EVs that you can actually tow a caravan with (obviously only the correct weight etc). It depletes the battery by a minimum of 50% when towing, so in reality less than 150 miles each full charge if you are lucky. I forget where he went but it got him to the campsite then hooked up the caravan then had to charge up somewhere. On the way home they didn’t quite make it on one charge and had to pull into a services 10 miles from home for a top up. What people don’t mention when charging the EVs for a quick top up, say half hour or so, if you have kids you go into the services , buy a coffee and snacks then before you know it you’ve spent £20 or £30 and that’s before paying top price for your electric top up. I say he has only done it once as he won’t risk doing it again due to range anxiety. He is actively trying to sell his caravan and is going to start going to campsites where they do have EV chargers (same big ones have them in reception car parks apparently) and stay in static’s or lodges.
Something which I p1ssed myself watching in a YT video by Harry Metcalfe (EVO Magazine former owner), happened when he was towing a caravan with an EV he had on test, and needed to charge.
He soon realised that to charge an EV when towing is likely impossible with the caravan hitched up, most charges you can either reverse into (which won't work if you are hitched up), or go forward into the EV bay (which then means your caravan is hanging out the bay and probably blocking the road).
The only way he could get it work, was to unhitch the caravan and park that in a bay, and then go and park the EV to get charged...
I'm not sure I have seen many EV spaces that are side-on and would allow a massive parking space for an EV And a caravan?