I think what’s confusing is the “T7” is going to appeal to a different sort of buyer than the T6.1. Normally you’d expect the replacement to appeal to the same market - definitely not the case here. Loads of the features that make the T6.1 great are gone sadly. 2 burners a must for us. Porridge and kettle at the same time is essential. Loads of the storage gone too - not good for us. I can see the T7 appealing to couples, but not 2 adults with 2 children. T7 won’t fit in a standard parking bay either like the T6.1 does. Apparently the T7 is better to drive though. So it’s great for travelling but not for camping. I have a car for driving places. The camper is just for holiday travels and the odd secondary use vehicle. It’s pretty obvious the T7 has been designed around the compromises that VW can’t change without excessive cost. The 2 sliding door body for example prevents 2 hob burners, but it’s being sold as a benefit. The LWB is a necessity because it’s the only way to get even close to the T6.1 storage due to the crazy shaped front end, but now it won’t fit in a parking bay. Another compromise because it’s an unsuitable base vehicle. The water tank filler in the boot to save cost modifying the shell and make installation easier and therefore cheaper. Another compromise. If they were designing from the ground up to be purely a camper then the Multivan shell would have been deemed unsuitable I think, which is why it now suits different markets. I doubt that was their intention.