Laminated Glass



Hi guys could someone please tell me how to identify laminated glass that some Caly's have in the cab.
Is there a visual difference or is it only identifiable by a code stamped on it, if so does anyone know what the marking is.

Thanks in advance, any feed back would be appreciated. :thanks
From my Volvo days that had laminated all round, Laminated side windows have a symbol like three blank pages separated but on top of each other if you see what I mean to show the glass has two glass and and a laminate.

I believe that's a standard CE Mark.
Mine has laminated glass. If you lower the window in the doors and look at the top edge it is thicker than normal and has a little ridge or dip in the middle so I guess it is 2 layers of glass with a middle layer of glue/ laminate?
Just to add I think because it is thicker than normal glass wind deflectors won't fit.
Is the purpose of laminated glass for acoustic insulation or something else?
I'm guessing it will be harder to break as well. Also might keep the shattered glass together. But I can say our cab is very quiet on the road.
IMG_4292.JPG We had a break In whilst in Chambery staying in a hotel on way to Merribel last Feb . Blinds were down parked right outside hotel . Went down in morning to see broken glass on galley top . Went round to passenger side and saw what looked like a bullet hole in passenger side window . Galley window shattered . Had temp plastic repair and camped in Meribel on great site . Had windows replaced in Poole by expert and was told Cali has laminated front side windows unlike vans . Pity side windows not same . Ps I have wind deflectors . They were a bit tight at first but fine now . Think laminated fitted to reduce road noise but added security big bonus . Nothing taken . £1500 .
Man that sucks......scum bags!!
Hi Trebor, can I ask what make of wind deflectors you went for. I also have laminated glass and have the stick on deflectors - which are not proving a great success - they have come unstuck twice - which requires hours of carefully removing the double sided foam each time :(
Hi Trebor, can I ask what make of wind deflectors you went for. I also have laminated glass and have the stick on deflectors - which are not proving a great success - they have come unstuck twice - which requires hours of carefully removing the double sided foam each time :(

They look very similar to mine - "Climair Aerolift"?
Mine has laminated glass. If you lower the window in the doors and look at the top edge it is thicker than normal and has a little ridge or dip in the middle so I guess it is 2 layers of glass with a middle layer of glue/ laminate?
Just to add I think because it is thicker than normal glass wind deflectors won't fit.

Try ClimAir ones Carl. Got them on ours with laminated glass.
That looks like a glass punch on the front passenger side,but they couldn't break the laminated glass,so went to kitchen window looks of it.
Great security bonus,that,s save you there you know.
There's a plastic security film like clear tinting if you see what I mean so that it performs like laminate.

That said with an old van I came out one morning and someone had ground off the hinges as I had a heavy duty padlock on the doors, annoying to say the least all that was in the bag was garden rubbish!

You can only deter the amateur or delay the 'professional' toerag never deny.
Hi Trebor, can I ask what make of wind deflectors you went for. I also have laminated glass and have the stick on deflectors - which are not proving a great success - they have come unstuck twice - which requires hours of carefully removing the double sided foam each time :(
Hi I'm pretty sure they're Climair but no sticky tape . They have a little screw holding bottom in position. A bit tight to start but fine after a week or so .They have blue writing . I'll check tomorrow and if diffent will post tomorrow.

VW California Club
