Leisure Battery very hot?

If you can set up a hook up at home and leave on hook up permanently when not in use, unless using very regularly. This way the battery is always fully charged. A friend does this with his narrow boat with 4 X 120Ah leisure batteries and after 10 years are still in excellent condition. I leave my van on permanent hook up at home when not in use.
I agree but with my van the cable would get in the way.. And this way couldn’t overcharge at all. I have this setup on my bike in the garage and keeps The battery in top condition.
Good afternoon,

Almost 200 Euro for a battery :shocked , I hope they last for 10 years!

Expensive California
11 years old, original batteries (starter, 2 leisure), still in good condition. Starter battery is loosing it's power, but with regular hookup, it gets it's life extended.
Good evening.

Van is connected to power at the moment. I try to do this at least once per month. Have I said that, I can't remember when I did this the last time. I need to start to write it down.

I can't even say the van will be used every day. Kildare has some movement restrictions because of the virus so I just use the van to go shopping.

But also I try to do good housekeeping also, keep the camper unit switched off when I don't need it and ensure that everything is either switched off or disconnected.

Yes, the California can keep the users on their toes... :) .

Happy California,
Hi All, we’re on our first trip in our 2019 Beach, this evening I noticed a strong smell and found out the battery under the passenger seat was very hot. Is this normal? We were hooked up to the electric on a camping site in the uk (standard hook up). Been away for 5 nights with no problem until now. I’ve unhooked from the mains for now to see if it cools down. Any help appreciated...
Hi I’ve had a similar problem very T4 California. Smell of rotten eggs battery over heated. Had to have new one.
my understanding is that hook up over rides leisure battery Am I wrong folks
Hi I’ve had a similar problem very T4 California. Smell of rotten eggs battery over heated. Had to have new one.
my understanding is that hook up over rides leisure battery Am I wrong folks
Not sure what you mean by "over rides leisure battery". However, hook up activates all the 240v appliances, the 240v sockets and recharges the leisure battery. All 12v appliances still run from the leisure battery.
My Cali is 10yrs old next week. Batteries are original and working well. You do tend to hear about the problems here rather than the things that are working!
If it smells like rotten eggs (here we go again...), it definately is a cooking battery. The sulferic fumes are very strong.
Don't charge the battery anymore, as it can explode.
The corrosive acid can melt plastic and clothes, and burn your skin and eyes.

Happy camping???
Leisure battery should not fume that much as its inside - its normally gel

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