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Looking for a good, trustworthy dealership in Central Scotland

I use Edinburgh van centre as mentioned the service is excellent. and they know about California's
I have corrosion under the seal around the pop up roof.
I have spoken to Edinburgh about it and they redirected me to VW in Kirkcaldy.
I have spoken with them and the body shop they use for this is Audi bodyshop in Hillington they where using Newcastle but this was inconvenient for local customers give its location.
Hi DavidKeith,
Please can you confirm whether the Glasgow outfit responsible for your roof damage was a body shop called Glasgow Audi (I think otherwise known as Lookers Glasgow Accident Repair Centre)?

I ask because I have been told by VWCS that it is to them that my roof corrosion repair work is to be allocated. If that is the place which has caused you so much trouble it sounds as though I should avoid it like the plague.

I'd be most grateful for the info.


Hi Julian,

where is the corrosion on your roof and have you checked under the seal on the popup roof
Hello Gear Box Oil,

Our corrosion is on the front fixed roof panel and around the edge of the pop-up roof (mainly under the seal).

VWCS are now proposing that my Cali is taken to a bodyshop, newly-appointed for this repair work, in Crewe (Swansway Garages) in early April.

I'm finding that the logistic arrangements VW make for these repairs are very inflexible. They don't seem to be able or willing to contemplate any other scenario than the Cali going back to the dealer (who undertook the initial roof inspection and made the report to VWCS) from where it will be collected and carried by breakdown vehicle to the repair bodyshop.

In my case that means that I have to take my Cali back to Kirkcaldy (on the other side of Scotland from where I live, 125 miles away) for collection. I then have to be given use of a courtesy vehicle so that I can get home again.

It would have been so much more sensible (I think) for the Cali to be picked up from my nearest mainland town (Oban). If VW had been willing to make this sort of arrangement I would have been quite happy to do without the courtesy vehicle. "No that is not possible", said VWCS, "it has to be picked up from Specialist Cars in Kirkcaldy".

I'm still trying to make the necessary practical arrangements, without letting this opportunity slip through my fingers and our Cali go to the back of a queue.

I was offered an appointment at Audi Glasgow. As it happened, other commitments prevent me accepting the opportunity, but I'm not sure how happy I would have been to accept, having read about the bad experience of one or two forum members.

Good luck with your repairs.

Good luck.
Hi Julian,

Thanks for the reply.
sounds like it will be a nightmare.
How long have you been waiting on the repair to be carried out
You here stuff like this and the wheels start going in to over drive.
I take it VWCS are not using Glasgow any more.
Where you directed to Kirkcaldy by the VC in Edinburgh.
Have they indicated how long the repair will take or what type of curtesy vehicle they will give you.
I use my van every day so I cant be without some form of California.
(Day van, people carrier, camper, mobile lunch truck).
Given the issues being reported on this form are they giving you any assurance on the quality of the repair.
God forbid what if it has to go back.

I sincerely hope they make a good job of it.


Yes, GBO, I chose to approach the VC in Edinburgh about the roof inspection because I'd read not very flattering reviews of the Glasgow VC (nearest to me), and Edinburgh directed me to Specialist Cars in Kirkcaldy. I didn't realise at the time that asking Kirkcaldy to make the inspection and submit info. to VWCS meant that I was bound to them for all the arrangements for repair work (despite the fact that they are not amongst the bodyshops appointed by VW for carrying out this warranty work).

I was recently told by VWCS that if I wanted to have my Cali picked up from another, more convenient VC, the whole process of inspection and reporting to VWCS would have to start from square one with the selected VC.

These completely inflexible arrangements may not matter in the heart of much of England, where a Cali owner may well find that they have more than one VC within 20 miles or so, but when one lives in the remoter parts of Scotland a bit of flexibility really would help.

As for the overall timescales my experience is not anything like as bad as some other contributors to this forum have reported. Our initial inspection in Kirkcaldy took place 07 November 2016 and, if current plans come off, repairs should start at Swansway Garages' bodyshop in Crewe on 11 April.

I am aiming to collect my Cali from the Crewe body shop and to continue south, and on to France, on holiday. So I have agreed with Swansway to delay picking it up until 21 April, although they say that the job shouldn't take them more than 5 days. That gives them the best part of a week to accommodate any hitch.

I don't know whether Audi Glasgow are still one of VW's appointed bodyshops for these repairs. I read something which suggested that they were not but I'm not sure, one way or the other.

No I don't know what kind of vehicle I shall be offered as a courtesy car. I only need it to get me home, so it is not of any great importance.

I'm still waiting for VWCS's reply to a number of questions, including the durability of and warranty on the repair.
I use Edinburgh van centre as mentioned the service is excellent. and they know about California's
I have corrosion under the seal around the pop up roof.
I have spoken to Edinburgh about it and they redirected me to VW in Kirkcaldy.
I have spoken with them and the body shop they use for this is Audi bodyshop in Hillington they where using Newcastle but this was inconvenient for local customers give its location.
Oh dear, I'm afraid this was where I had problems with my roof repair and they also managed to damage the sink tap. I have since been recommended VW in Kirkcaldy but it seems now, like we are going round in circles :(
Thanks Julian.
I have sent an email and some pictures of the corrosion to Kirkcaldy but I will call them first thing on Monday and ask that they do not submit any information to VWCS at this point.
based on what you say I will talk to VWCS first and see where that leads.

I have been talking this over with some friends today I am also going to explore having this looked at by an independent body shop.

So just one question Why Swansway Garages' bodyshop in Crewe?.

Hi David almost certainly going round in circles.


Thanks Julian.
I have sent an email and some pictures of the corrosion to Kirkcaldy but I will call them first thing on Monday and ask that they do not submit any information to VWCS at this point.
based on what you say I will talk to VWCS first and see where that leads.

I have been talking this over with some friends today I am also going to explore having this looked at by an independent body shop.

So just one question Why Swansway Garages' bodyshop in Crewe?.

Hi David almost certainly going round in circles.



Apologies GBO, I haven't been watching this thread for a bit, so didn't notice your question.

As I may have said before, I was offered an appointment at the Glasgow Audi bodyshop but I wasn't able to accept it because of other commitments (I was also rather wary of the Glasgow bodyshop because of stories I'd read on this forum). VWCS then suggested that I would be likely to get an early appointment at Swansway Garages in Crewe because they had only recently been appointed to carry out roof corrosion remedial work on Calis. When I rang Swansway I was offered an appointment within a few weeks and our "Hannah" should now be there, awaiting treatment.

Someone recently reported on the roof corrosion thread that Swansway has withdrawn from the roof repair process, but I have yet to establish whether this is the case. Even if it is true, I am assuming that vehicles already booked with them (like ours) will still be dealt with.

I don't want to count my chickens before they're hatched but I haven't had to wait nearly as long as some other Club members. Specialist Cars at Kirkcaldy examined my roof in November 2016 and my Cali is now at a bodyshop.

Apologies GBO, I haven't been watching this thread for a bit, so didn't notice your question.

As I may have said before, I was offered an appointment at the Glasgow Audi bodyshop but I wasn't able to accept it because of other commitments (I was also rather wary of the Glasgow bodyshop because of stories I'd read on this forum). VWCS then suggested that I would be likely to get an early appointment at Swansway Garages in Crewe because they had only recently been appointed to carry out roof corrosion remedial work on Calis. When I rang Swansway I was offered an appointment within a few weeks and our "Hannah" should now be there, awaiting treatment.

Someone recently reported on the roof corrosion thread that Swansway has withdrawn from the roof repair process, but I have yet to establish whether this is the case. Even if it is true, I am assuming that vehicles already booked with them (like ours) will still be dealt with.

I don't want to count my chickens before they're hatched but I haven't had to wait nearly as long as some other Club members. Specialist Cars at Kirkcaldy examined my roof in November 2016 and my Cali is now at a bodyshop.

I've been waiting for 6 months to have my roof replaced but still no luck!
Thanks Julian,
I have spoken to Specialist Cars at Kirkcaldy they looked at my roof and will submit a report to VW.
They are happy to do the edge repair at Kirkcaldy as the roof wont have to be removed.
Lol the wife and I are heading to below...this Tuesday coming and they can renew the canvases on roof sides to. Might just get a quote the now and save uo for that

Booked our 2008 California in to fix roof as it's grinding so won't go the last inch. There's no fluid leakage so fingers crossed!
Good luck
Lol the wife and I are heading to below...this Tuesday coming and they can renew the canvases on roof sides to. Might just get a quote the now and save uo for that

Booked our 2008 California in to fix roof as it's grinding so won't go the last inch. There's no fluid leakage so fingers crossed!
Good luck
Just double check they have a California specialist as John Clark Edinburgh no longer sell Californias.
echoing the message above John Clark lost the franchise for the VW can centre in central scotland last year. The franchise is now with Eastern Western motor group out of Newbridge.

I have used them a few times and happy with the service. If you are getting in touch ask for Mark Montgomerie (service manager) or Lilias and they will be able to help.

Just double check they have a California specialist as John Clark Edinburgh no longer sell Californias.
Repairs all completed and on time!
Very efficient service all way through.
I can't complain so it's really good to know there's now to specialists in Scotland up to the job Thanks. folks :thumb

VW California Club
