Hello .... at last after a lot of effort I have took delivery of my new California last week.
I'll try to keep this as short as I can, but might be useful to someone in the future.
Because of Italian red tape, the van was delivered to the dealership at the beginning of April, but I only just got the registration last week (August).
Anyway, when it was handed over to me the control panel was dead, I was told its just a case of charging up the batteries.
Plugged it in for 48 hrs, but noticed there was no yellow light on the control panel to show it was connected. Checked fuses etc, could see power was coming in to the van as the 230v socket behind the driver seat was working.
Despite being on charge, the control panel would not come to life. Back to the dealers today, after a bit of messing about, they confirmed the leisure batteries were very low, as it had been sitting around for months doing nothing.
They put a booster pack on the battery behind the driver seat which forced the panel to come to life, almost like booting it up.
I drove home and plugged into the mains and now the panel is alive and the yellow light comes on to confirm the charge is connected.
So, despite a few other threads saying the control panel amy be powered from the main battery, this is not actually correct. In my case, it most definitely is powered from the leisure batteries, and because they were so low, it could not boot up and therefore could not tell the batteries to accept the external charge.
I'll try to keep this as short as I can, but might be useful to someone in the future.
Because of Italian red tape, the van was delivered to the dealership at the beginning of April, but I only just got the registration last week (August).
Anyway, when it was handed over to me the control panel was dead, I was told its just a case of charging up the batteries.
Plugged it in for 48 hrs, but noticed there was no yellow light on the control panel to show it was connected. Checked fuses etc, could see power was coming in to the van as the 230v socket behind the driver seat was working.
Despite being on charge, the control panel would not come to life. Back to the dealers today, after a bit of messing about, they confirmed the leisure batteries were very low, as it had been sitting around for months doing nothing.
They put a booster pack on the battery behind the driver seat which forced the panel to come to life, almost like booting it up.
I drove home and plugged into the mains and now the panel is alive and the yellow light comes on to confirm the charge is connected.
So, despite a few other threads saying the control panel amy be powered from the main battery, this is not actually correct. In my case, it most definitely is powered from the leisure batteries, and because they were so low, it could not boot up and therefore could not tell the batteries to accept the external charge.