There should be no need to produce such videos, it should be intuitive and self explanatory.
Amazon or John Lewis + numerous others don't feel the need for " How to buy " videos.
My reply:
For the attention of staff member Jess.
Thank you for your reply to my critical review, I have given this review a generous two stars for at least you demonstrated that you had actually read my review and addressed the pertinent points.
One of your responses was to direct me to a part of your website containing links to lots of shiny new "How to" videos and reams of FAQ"s.
In the course of my need to book 13 sites for next year I have booked one with yourselves and 12 with others. Not one of the other 12 felt the need to produce a "how to " video for what was a clear, simple and intuitive process.
Whilst sorting out my 2023 leisure activities I also booked 2 museum visits, a stay in a hotel, three theatre bookings and a restaurant in Milton Keynes. Not one of those feel the need to produce "how to " video's.
I have also in the last week shopped online with John Lewis, Amazon, waitrose, Ocado and Dash4it, not one single "how to" video amongst them, although sadly Waitrose had no green peppers.
If an organisation I want to spend money with points me to a "How to spend money with us" video then I go somewhere else. In this modern world of slick websites, intuitive model building and a customer service orientation I do not need to spend my money with organisations that feel they need to educate me with "How to" video's. The fact that the club felt there was a need to produce all those video's says all that needs to be said about the miserable failure of your new booking system. I would suggest that rather than direct customers to them you should instead be working hard to eradicate the need for them.
Date of experience: 18 October 2022
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