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New Ocean arrives early!

It would still be a 65 plate vehicle no matter what private plate you but "on top."
If 65 or 16 plate it would still be a 2016 Van. All too material for me The Elephant in the room
Plate Stobbery
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I picked mine up on Friday - could have waited til 1st March ........ we have been out wild camping in the hills splashing in all the puddles - its all covered in horse sh1t, looking great. I plan to keep it for 40+ years, and if we learn anything from the T1, it will be worth about £70k in 2056 and no-one will be saying why didnt you register it in the March - no brainer really
I have a friend who was in the same boat - he decided to delay the registration of his new car, but in the meantime his wife walked out on him ...... so there can be good reasons to hang fire and wait. Carpe Diem eh Rodney
TopDog - your van looks brilliant :thumb
I see you went for the With built-in cupboard, type 6.
VW code for a shower attachment :)
Nice wheels enjoy!

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Lovely. Good decision, you'll have fun anticipating it now too!
Hi, see you have the extra 5th seat, is there much leg room behind it? Or is it best turned around.
Good decision Topdog 1st March will be here before you know it.

It looks great and I am sure you are in for some great times. We pick ours up on 1st March as well and are so looking forward to Spring arriving.

Are you booked in for the meet at Tewkesbury in April?
Good decision Topdog 1st March will be here before you know it.

It looks great and I am sure you are in for some great times. We pick ours up on 1st March as well and are so looking forward to Spring arriving.

Are you booked in for the meet at Tewkesbury in April?

Yes we're booked in for the April meet!
Hi, see you have the extra 5th seat, is there much leg room behind it? Or is it best turned around.

The 5th seat seems ok if the main seat is pushed all the way back, then you can have it facing either way. Most of the time though it will live in the garage.
The 5th seat seems ok if the main seat is pushed all the way back, then you can have it facing either way. Most of the time though it will live in the garage.
Thanks, I think your comment about "The seat will live in the garage most of the time" could have lost me my argument with my wife. I have an end of march delvery for mine. we are having the Alacantara seats so i think ordering the 5th seat is a bargain as its the one price. for some reason my wife has a real hang up over it.
Going back to the original thread. A CALIFORNIA 2016 number plate ;- Try CA16FNA its avaiable £399 DVLA.
Your Van looks good.
Topdog what was your build week? I have a feeling I am soon going to have the same dilemma. Mine was build week 1 so scheduled to be with dealer end of Jan but I know it's built and in transit somewhere. If that's what happens I will wait 4 weeks. If they called to say ready now I'm afraid I would not have the patience so would be up to collect now. Enjoy.

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Interesting that they were quoting Week 1 since the factory was closed then and actually only re-opened week 3 (w/c 11 Jan). Was that your estimated or confirmed build date?
Ok, well our new T6 California Ocean has arrived at the dealers early and we can have it now if we want it! Our dilemma is that we wanted it for 1st March for the new plate. So what do we do now? Do we wait for the new plate date and take delivery then, or do we take it now and lose money in 5 years or so when we want to change it? Will that new plate make much difference?? Interested on the thoughts of the great and the good of the forum.
Hi Topdog,
If you wait until the new registration comes in then your Cali might be worth a smidge more when you come to sell it but I doubt if it will be very much. Its overall condition is likely to be much more of a factor when the time comes to sell it on after your five years of enjoyment. You bought it to explore and go camping so why worry about that until then!

IMO you should only use the car price guides as just that, a rough guide. If you were looking at the difference in price between two identical Ford Mondeos with six months between their ages then I think these guides are probably much more useful. However from what I have seen during the last two years of research into VW Californias, it is condition, condition, condition that appears to be the overiding factor and the normal rules don't seem to apply. I stand to be corrected but I think many people like me, would be far more willing to pay more to secure an above average example than to go for another vehicle just because it was very slightly newer.

Each to their own but for me at least, life is too short to worry about registration plates or the latest models. We bought our new T5 SE in October and have enjoyed every minute of use in it since.

Good luck with your new Cali whether you decide to collect now or wait. Happy adventures.
Thanks for this discussion which focuses my mind on making sure we register post March to ensure it retains optimum value for longer!
I say use and enjoy! Five years down the road, I agree that it will all be about condition (and colour and spec).
At least you have the dilemma of whether to take the van now or wait. I was hoping for collection on 1st March but dealers now said doesn't know when it's coming! C'est la vie.
I work in the motor trade, and whilst bog standard cars suffer from that extra loss in value because of a number plate, more unusual vehicles such as Californias (and certain brands, luxury Motorcycles, etc) really do not. Obviously there are never a huge amount of them available second hand and so condition and mileage seem to play the biggest part in a Cali's value. As they generally hold their value so well compared to cars, then it's up to you whether any small potential value difference down the line matters to you? I own a February registered Cali (ex demo) and to me it was all about finding the right spec at the right mileage, price, etc as I couldn't stretch to the spec I wanted if I ordered brand new. It took me a while to find that, and this will be the same for any future owners of your van when you part with it. While it is very sensible to take into account whether your decision will affect future value, it is likely it will make little or no difference, and surely the enjoyment of that new vehicle is the most important thing? In my case I decided life was most definitely too short to be worrying about a number plate! Enjoy your new Cali.
Interesting that they were quoting Week 1 since the factory was closed then and actually only re-opened week 3 (w/c 11 Jan). Was that your estimated or confirmed build date?

Not sure exactly, I remember he looked at the computer and the screen said week 1, maybe no one told the computer it was Christmas!
Well it seems the decision was kind of done for me, as I now have to go abroad with with work and may be away for a couple of months. So it may well end up with our shiny new van sat in the dealers lot waiting for me to pick it up! DOH! :headbang

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