Hi all.
Looking at some of these messages about Cali delivery delays triggered an automatic fight or flight stress response in me, i found my heart racing as memories of recent months flooded me

Let me share my experience of recently ordering a VW California t6.1 here in France, it did cost me quite a few sleepless nights as I went through an anger phase, then denial, then acceptance, and hopefully soon, joy.
January 21 my wife and I take decided to take the plunge and purchase our dream vehicle, a new VW California. Being a surfer, but never having owned a camper, I too was seduced by the VW Marketing online and all the 'Van Life' videos on YouTube. We decided we wanted the Cali fast, and were ready to bypass a Cali to spec, we had only 4 mandatory criteria.
- Available Spring 21
- 4 Motion
- Coast, Ocean, or Edition
- Budget 70-80K K Euros
I checked available California's on the VW France corporate website, and there were approximately 35 scattered throughout the country at VW dealers. However on the same website, it was impossible to identify which of the 35 were 4 MO as the option was not specifically detailed. I made initial contact with my local dealer, asked him if he worked with other VW dealers in a network approach, and gave him my criteria as noted. He did not deny working in a network (but nor did he admit, leading to a time bomb...), and promised to check if any of the 35 vehicles met mandatory criteria...
Professionally I was extremely busy at the time, so I placed my trust in him over the phone, and we agreed to meet at the dealership the week after. On arriving, directly in front off his office, I was greeted by a California Coast 4 MO in dark grey. I was swooning, but swoooooonnnniinngg, thought it for sale, and my cheque book came out. Once in his office, first of several cold showers, I learned it was sold, however might be for sale, as the camper company that ordered it was still deciding whether or not to take it due to COVID restrictions on travel. So we at down, and second cold shower, he informed me that none of the 35 Calis available in France were 4 MO. He informed me I would be top of the list for the dark grey Cali in the showroom should it not be sold, and whilst that panned, we could configure my dream Cali and place an order for it. Its what we did, delay announced then, 12 months, February 22. WE ordered an Ascot Grey Coast, 4MO, with Diff Bloc, and various other 'ideal version' options.
Two weeks later, I was on holiday, and something did not seem right to me. I started calling VW dealerships myself, and I found 3 vehicules of the 35 that were 4 Motion, a Cherry Red, Mohave Beige, and a 2 tone Ascot Grey and White. I settled on the Ascot Grey and White, called my local dealer to organize the purchase through the 'VW dealership network'

...and this is where things fell apart. He said the dealer might not release the vehicle, so I said ok, the Cherry Red, and he was, well that dealer too. To be polite, i realised we had had some communication challenges

Rewind...the deal on the dark grey Cali did not seem to be closing, so once I calmed down, the dealership and I discussed, and I agreed to see how that deal would pan out before making any further moves, as apart from the color and diff block, that vehicle was close to my ideal, 4MO etc. The next 6 weeks were peppered with moments of anger, sleepless nights, and a mixed bag of feelings around being ready to fork out 75K, being clear on my requirements from the start, and yet feeling frustrated and misled.
Fast forward to May 21, I get a call from the VW dealer. By then i'd given up on having the vehicle this year; over the 6 weeks since my previous discussion with them, I had slid into 'ho-hum' acceptance mode. They said, we have some good news and bad news. OK, so lets start with the bad please. The dark grey Cali 4 MO is sold. OK, now for the good. They said VW had asked the dealership for a list of 6 vehicles to be built urgently; and they had proposed my order. Target date was week 26 to start the build, delivery likely September. I decided to go this option rather than to start over the hunt for an available vehicle somewhere, this seemed to surprise the dealership.
Present day. Work duly started on our Cali Monday last week. I don't know when I will be delivered, perhaps even as late as October, but at least I am calm now and know I it will arrive, and I have already paid for it (I wanted they money off my account for some reason...). At the time I ordered my Cali, delivery was estimated to be 12 months, but if you order one now I heard its 15 months in France. Since I have calmed down, I do feel sorry for the dealerships whom have sales targets and families to feed. They are between a demanding customer on the one side, and 'KING VW' central management on the other; its no wonder such situations as my own, and others, happen, and customers paying such high amounts get upset. Its for VW Central to find solutions to these delivery problems, not the dealerships. I read in another post here that VW may now be suspending orders on new California's in some markets until 2022. Perhaps its the solution to clear the backlog and calm customer frustration.
Like it or not, fact is, that its not because one has 70 or 80K to spend that VW needs to make anything more than a loose, target delivery commitment. Pull out of the order during build, and VW can sell it 10 times over before it leaves the production line, there is so much demand and a full implementation pipe. Since this order, I have learned patience I did not know i had, and I don't regret it. It will be worth waiting for, and the wait adds to the pleasure finally, the not knowing, the anticipation.... I forgive the dealer, and I encourage others frustrated with dealers to do the same, its not their fault.
All the best to those waiting for fulfillments of their orders, and for those about to place an order, expect a 12 to 18 month delivery plan currently. Hard to accept, but in my opinion, worth the wait.
Kind regards