hi there Granny JenDog hair: I have a very hairy mutt and a not so hairy mutt: When we travel hairy mutt is on the back seat standing or lying on an old blanket that at night folds onto the lower bed to make his bed. A blanket is quite good for trapping dog hair and can be shaken out afterwards to good effect. Less hairy mutt, who is a bit old now, travels on the floor with her own personal sheepskin rug. I love sheepskins. Mud and dirt can be just left to dry and brushed or shaken off after drying. They can also be popped into the washing machine when we get home. All last winter we sploshed and splashed through rain and mud and the Cali survived.
Now I m free of carpet dog hairs on the floor are no problem. Those that do get on to the seat fabric are easily brushed off (one of these neatly fits into the drivers door side pocket fitted to the drivers seat plinth).
Seat covers: I had inka seat covers fitted on day 1 for Albert, my first Cali. Took them off round about day 10. Couldn't stand them. Like sitting on a polythene bag and besides my Cali is my home from home and as I don't have covers on my seats at home why should I have them on my Cali?
I tried fitted covers but for the expense, and again for the time consumed putting on and taking off, I binned the idea. I also found myself getting as precious about the covers as I do about the seats so now I don't bother. When travelling I throw a nice, brightly coloured, microfibre towel over the rear seats squab, protects against anyone or anything jumping in without thinking or careless placing of items on the back seat, and for the front seats a small towel to protect them from the dogs should we (rarely) leave them in the van. I quite like the splash of burnt orange in the back and microfibre takes no time at all to wash and dry. Towel and sheepskin Combo can just about be seen here
just been and bought a dog rug for our Cali which is yet to arrive. got it home and wondered what the best size for removable rug would be with the seat in normal position.. Guessed at this one, which is 90x60. (Cali still to be delivered.) just been to NEC and meant to measure the space but of course we forgot. thanks jill.