Passenger Door Hinge 2012 SE



T5 SE 180
Hi, my passenger door creaks all the time when opening as the hinge has a small roller which should rotate on its post, but it’s rusted and won’t swivel. Guess the door wasn’t used much in the past?... Lube doesn’t free it, so need to replace. Can anyone help with part number, and also is it an easy job to do? Thanks.
I had the same problem with both the doors I just persisted with the grease. it took a while and eventually it worked. I used a small artists brush to get to a awkward places....If it creaks there is a reason and normally it’s because it’s metal on metal or metal on plastic..just needs lube...
If it’s the notched rotor, then pride the plastic button off the top,and get some grease in there too.
Hi if you have a long screwdriver wrap it in a rag support the door fully open and gently lever back on the u shaped spring the roller sits on you will then be able to get the roller off the top of the spring, wet and dry the roller and spring grease and put it all back together.
Hi if you have a long screwdriver wrap it in a rag support the door fully open and gently lever back on the u shaped spring the roller sits on you will then be able to get the roller off the top of the spring, wet and dry the roller and spring grease and put it all back together.
Hi, you certainly seem to know your way around these vans, please could you help, T5 cali, the door spring that keep the door open seem to have weakened over the years, any suggestions please?
Thanks Chris
Hi, you certainly seem to know your way around these vans, please could you help, T5 cali, the door spring that keep the door open seem to have weakened over the years, any suggestions please?
Thanks Chris
You’ll not get a reply from Guru, sadly he’s no longer on the forum. I think you’d need to replace the hinge with the spring.


VW California Club
