Picked up my Exclusive this week….



Just browsing
Hi all
Decided I needed another Westfalia in my life after owning a T2 for the last 17years and using it to travel all over the place, but it doesn’t get a lot of use in the winter months so my search was on. I spotted the layout of the CE and had to have one….

So I picked up this well looked after 2002 151hp CE this week from sunny Glasgow and drove it back to Bristol. I have to say it’s one of the comfiest vehicles I have driven, I did 5hrs solid in the driving seat and felt great! The motor is a dream and the whole package handles very very well for something so big and heavy.

It’s all completely standard, stacks of history will all the original service books and manuals in both English & German, there are a couple of surface rust spots around the wheel arch and sill area that I will address asap



Now I knew that it has had little use over the last 5years so I did budget for a battery and a charger and it didn’t disappoint



Started stripping things apart mainly to clean up and familiarise myself with the electrics and test the circuits. When I plug into the mains I get the symbol on the display, great I thought, it works! Then slowly the voltage drops (as pic below) then symbol disappears, no visual signs of a burnt charger but clearly it’s not doing its job


The battery is the original too so although it holds a charge it will be replaced in the next few weeks.

The water level indicator also doesn’t work, the sensor is made by Gems who I have dealings with so have asked for a replacement. In the meantime does anyone know how to remove it? I assumed it screws in but that doesn’t work and i didn’t want to break it

Looking forward to getting some camping trips in very soon
When I figure out how to edit posts I will.

In the meantime here is the display, when hooked up to mains display shows 14v then drops steadily….


Fortunately FraRon now make a replacement battery charger that uses the original Westfaila plug, so I’ve ordered one up and given the battery a deep recycle with my C-tek charger just to see how long it does last before getting a new Exide replacement
Hi great looking van.
Re water level sensor you can get replacements from VW or LLL parts but get the new improved stainless steel one as the older plastic ones split. Easy to replace you need to remove the larger plate size lid the rest is then obvious. The lid is standard thread so anti clockwise to undo. Most make up a tool to help as the lids can be extremely tight - Please note all the above is correct for a 2010 SE your van being a little earlier there may be some differences - good luck and enjoy your new van.

VW California Club
