Quick Start Cali Guide for Newbies



Guest User
I have seen a few new owners mention their 2hr handover recently, and that reminded me that there is far too much information to possibly absorb in one go - especially when all you want to do is jump in and play with your new toy.

Does anyone think that it might be useful for us to create a quick start guide, which would provide all the key information and acquired wisdom of the group? When I hired a Cali for a weekend, the company provided a folder with about 10 pages of key information, including:

raising / lowering the roof safely
the gas supply - connections, and locations of stop valves
mains hookup & circuit breakers
opening / closing the awning

I know that much of this information is in the do / don't list, but it might be handy to collate it into a few pages, which could be stuffed into a seat pocket. It could just save a bit of frustration on that important first night away.

Nice idea Simon, if we all add to this thread we can then edit it and convert it to a handy PDF file for the downloads section for people to use.
OK, but I'm still a novice Cali owner myself. I am happy to start it off, as long as the old veterans don't mind chipping in with corrections.


VW California Club
