rattled by the rattle (under fridge)



VIP Member
Surrey, UK
Got a rattle/clicking noise which sounds like it's coming from the area underneath the fridge - of all places. It's an unfortunate place to develop a rattle because the only access is through the hole in the adjoining cupboard. Anyone else got a rattle under their fridge? Any ideas how to stop it?
Sorry not heard of that one before. Prehaps something has come loose on the compressor
Does the fridge work ok?
Hmmm, I think the fridge is working ok but I'll check again.It's a bit puzzling. I was thinking of randomly spraying some WD40 through the access hole (in the cupboard) to see if this has any effect. Would this be a really bad idea?
I had a clicking noise when I was driving from the area of the fridge.
Opened up cupboards and rearranged things, no change........ Checked the hanging work top, seemed ok. In the end put my wife in the back to find it.......... She spotted straight away that the hanging table was not properly fixed at the bottom (despite me having tried to fix it twice!).
We fixed it and Lo! The clicking stopped.
I don't know when your noise is occurring but could it possibly be the hanging table?

Thanks. I've checked the table is fixed firmly at the bottom and that the fridge is working properly. I'm still sure the clicking noise is coming from somewhere inside the cavity under the fridge (or somewhere very near this). Wherever it's coming from, it seems impossible to locate without pulling the fittings apart - not something I want to do. Guess I'll just have to live with it. It's not that loud actually, I'd just prefer it if it wasn't there. :roll:
I can understand the frustration...... does it happen at rest or only while travelling?
We had a problem with rattles from the glass lids on the sink/cooker and the fridge. The lock is a sort of slider which you push in and out and it wasn't always going in fully, hence the rattle. I applied some WD40 which seems to have cured it. Just a thought........
Yep, think it's time to break open the WD40 (or silicone spray). I'll try anything now!
Check again the attachment for your table. I see someone else had this answer but you have to be sure the little prong is secured into the black fitting which has a hole for this purpose. I thought I had secured it on a couple of occassions only to find it had not "caught" and was still rattling in transit. good luck!
we also had a rattle from the table. I checked it and it seemed fixed ok but the rattle persisted and eventually I called in the expert and my wife sat in the back as I drove around. The table, despite my checking, wasn't locked at the bottom. No rattle now............. it takes a woman, it's an intuition thing!
As you slide the folded table towards the back of the van it goes between the side of the seat and the cupboard. You have to push the bottom of the table in towards the cupboards and it should then connect with the black knob and lock.
Just a thought.
Do you have the safe in the wardrobe adjacent to the fridge? as the lid/door on ours caused a similar noise in that area which a couple of pads of self adhesive backed felt stopped be acting as padding/packing when locked.

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Thanks MickeyBlue.yeah I do have the safe. I'll give that a try and let you know if it works
I have noticed the hanging basket in the fridge can rattle, try taking it out and see if that stops it.

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