Rear seat jammed



T6 Ocean 204
Hi. My rear/bench seat is jammed and I can't slide it. I removed the back
board to allow the bench to be positioned as far back as possible but now I can't shift
it. Any attempt to slide it just lifts it all 4 "feet" slightly and it feels the driver's side front foot hits something metal. Don't normally have any problems moving it. Have tried 2 people sitting on it, one sitting on it and one pushing from the back but no success. Any help appreciated! Thanks
Make sure the seat is precisely placed diagonally, this is the most important. I would use 3 people: one sitting on the middle, 2 others pushing it's ends from the back. It must not be crossed even minimally with the initial move.
Also try to twitch it vigorously when sitting on it so the attachments lands in the rails, perhaps they jumped off it.

Good luck,
Thanks Andresz. Tried your suggestions but it wouldn't budge. Lifting the release handle allowed us to lift the whole seat slightly to check underneath. The "runners were in the tracks. Vigorous rocking and pushing didn't work. Tried lubricating the grooves with silicon spray. There was a bit less movement on the left side. Looking from the boot, the side of the seat was tight against the storage unit. There is a Brandrup boot lining carpet on the side of the storage unit and the seat was right up against this. I was able to pull the carpet off (fixed with Velcro) and was then able to move the seat. Phew!
Thanks for your advice.
ok, so it was jammed by the Brandrup carpet...
This reminds me my swivel seat jammed by a ribbon of seat cover, also a lot of hassle and research for a simple cause.
Glad it is sorted, lesson learned.
It's happened again - can't move the rear bench seat. Deliberately didn't move it as far back as before but once again I can't shift the back seat on the runners. Have detached the carpet in the "boot" area in case this was stopping the seat from moving but to no avail.
I think I need to get it to the garage - can anyone recommend who I could take it to? I live in Bedfordshire.
Fixed it. Used a straightened wire coat hanger to slide up the passenger side rail whilst lifting the release lever. Slide past the front "foot" with ease but hit something at the rear foot. With a little bit of jiggling it then went past. It seems that the adjustable stopper that prevents the seat from going too far back was loose and had slide forward to somehow prevent the rear foot from being released. It's now been re-positioned close to the back of the rail and tightened to stop it moving. Fingers crossed that it's resolved now.
Well done. Something to remember for the future.:thumb
i have the same problem and will try your coat hanger solution.. thanks

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