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As far as I am aware the VED rate is dependent on the initial registration class M1 Diesel Car, or N1 Commercial vehicle. M class are variable VED based on CO2 emissions, N class are flat rate.No, the rules did not change, it was the way that the DVLA interpreted them that changed. That is what all the fuss has been about.
Yes, I appreciate that mine was converted prior to 2019 but the VED should still be £275 on either a vehicle with 'Motor Caravan' or 'Van with windows' on the V5C regardless of its conversion date or purchase date. As far as I am aware the the exception to this is vehicles over 3.5t which are even lower.
Body Class, Passenger vehicle, MPV, Motor Caravan or Van with windows determine speed limits. Passenger or Motor Caravan or MPV have car speed limits on all roads whereas Van with Windows have a reduced limit on some roads.