Replacement rubber seals on doors



T5 SE 140
My rubber seal on drivers door has come off as seen in photo attached. Rubber has perished at 5 attachment points. Anyone know where I could get replacements for front two doors?


In fact looking at the pic again I still think he meant the seals I referred to.
Maybe the OP can clarify......
I can confirm the seals from the door not arch. Cheers
Same hapened to our van last week. Juist went to our local garage and they ordered a replacement. It's being fixed today. And to be sure I have it replaced on the other side too. Think it came lose during the frost period we had last week. Forget to put some talcum powder on that particular rubber.
Got no idea really, sorry for that. Just told the mechanic that it has to be fixed in a very decent way, because I intend to drive it another 10 years. But I think a will know tomorrow and then I’ll let you know.
I've just had the same thing happen with my driver's side door seal. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to remove the white plastic clips, which are still in the door?
Problem sorted. A little more force was needed to remove them :)

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