Replacement Solar Panel.

People think that because they are hiding behind a keyboard they can say what they like but wont say it to your face. Every forum I have been on seems to have someone.
My view is that forums are a place to discuss ideas and hopefully get solutions that save time and money. I have had a lot of help on this forum and it would be a shame if people felt they had to hold back offers of help because of the minority.
I believe Roger has offered some sort of deal to the first owner of the new Cali that he can get his hands on to install Solar.
It’s sort of unbelievable that VW still haven’t integrated a solar panel into the California IMHO.
I had the exact same issue, only my failed much sooner than 9yrs, and a very similar fix, same brand I just chose one size of panel larger. Three years in and still working nicely.
There's always some snide keyboard warrior around, he clearly didn't read or comprehend that I'd been trying to get non working panels working and had to do a repair job on the wiring, which only left short lengths to put new connectors on and made it impossible to hide, then had to get Y connectors in to link the two panels, he probably just looks at the pictures. The purpose of my post was to thank WelshGas for a good write up, I'll keep my gob shut in future and post sod all. I've bought rigid Y connectors for when I redo it so won't have to try to lose a foot of cable, I won't bother posting pictures though.
Don't stop posting text or helpful pictures because of one person who seems determined to undermine others....we all need to learn from others' experiences!
Just so you know, I don't charge £400 to replace an out of warranty panel. The cost is a lot less , varying a bit with how long we are talking about since purchase. That panel comes with the black anodised arms and all stainless replacement fittings now, plus the connector etc, for a direct plug in replacement.

Of our current black 100w panels, manufactured for me, I've not had a single failure so far, 4 years and counting. I've certainly had failures of other older types here and there, and I've replaced them at discounted rates.

You'd be surprised how far from £400 it would cost you. Ask me if the need ever arises (from my site/email - notifications here can get missed).
Just so you know, I don't charge £400 to replace an out of warranty panel. The cost is a lot less , varying a bit with how long we are talking about since purchase. That panel comes with the black anodised arms and all stainless replacement fittings now, plus the connector etc, for a direct plug in replacement.

Of our current black 100w panels, manufactured for me, I've not had a single failure so far, 4 years and counting. I've certainly had failures of other older types here and there, and I've replaced them at discounted rates.

You'd be surprised how far from £400 it would cost you. Ask me if the need ever arises (from my site/email - notifications here can get missed).
If I hadn't been planning on changing my vehicle I would have been in contact for a replacement and upgrade but decided to leave that to the next owner. Can certainly vouch for the system and a panel failing after 9 yrs living outside all that time and covering 130,000+ miles is good going. Thank-you.
Oh I totally get that, thanks WG. Was just putting it out there in case anyone assumes I'm going to be too expensive for a replacement. I'll do what I can - I want happy customers.
Hi Welshgas
I am interested in adding Solar Panels to my Horsebox. The roof is skinned with a fibreglass panel and I did not fancy drilling into it plus it is slightly dished. Do you thing I could get away with just using the Velcro tape to hold on in place.
use the wide heavy duty vhb black stuff from amazon. its a bout 40 quid a roll but sticks like brown stuff to a blanket. i used it to stick two panels to the roof of my van and nearly three years later they are still up there. just wipe down with an alcahol wipe before sticking. if you need to remove it warm it with a hairderyer and it will come off eventually and panels can be changed by pulling at one corner until they lift.
I glued a panel into a slightly dished fibreglass roof once. It dont last long at all. Mostly because it spent a lot of its life underwater, and partly, I suspect, because the roof flexed/popped a fair bit when driving. Just be aware of this - try to put your panel so its not in the "bowl" of the dish.

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