Roof canvas trapped in scissor hinges....a solution?

Bellows bungee. We looked at a similar product a few years ago but due to the unique hinges on the California it didn't work
Bellows bungee. We looked at a similar product a few years ago but due to the unique hinges on the California it didn't work
Yes, you are right Calikev, just checked the manual and hinge mechanism is very different from VW. On the Bellows bungee, I had it ripped despite having the bungee (and doors open).
The Bungee doesnt look good on the Cali I think. So the only Solution is be very carefull closing the roof. Always check twice. Open the sliding door and the both Windows. Tear the bellow inside while closing the roof. Stop closing if it is about 3 quarters closed. Tear the bellow Inside again and then fully close the roof.
The Bungee doesnt look good on the Cali I think. So the only Solution is be very carefull closing the roof. Always check twice. Open the sliding door and the both Windows. Tear the bellow inside while closing the roof. Stop closing if it is about 3 quarters closed. Tear the bellow Inside again and then fully close the roof.

What do you mean with " doesn't look good..." the fact there's a bungee arrond the roof bothers you visually?
Better think again and get one , we enjoy the view" from out" not "at" the Cali the most....
You could sew it in form the inside....;)
The Bungee doesnt look good on the Cali I think. So the only Solution is be very carefull closing the roof. Always check twice. Open the sliding door and the both Windows. Tear the bellow inside while closing the roof. Stop closing if it is about 3 quarters closed. Tear the bellow Inside again and then fully close the roof.

Most of the vans at the meet last weekend had one fitted, not sure what you mean by it does not look good? It serves a purpose like the bungee on my old Eriba !
In Continental Europe you won't See many bungees. Yes I mean it doesnt look good. The canvas is not flat and it disdurbs the optic of the Cali I think. Thats my opinion.
Totally agree do not like the look of the bungee !
Personally I stand up inside and watch the canvas fold in with the roof pressing down on my head as it lowers
No issues yet touch wood
Dave and Lisa
You all got a point , it is most important how "you" feel about your precious Cali.
As for not seeing it in Europe on the mainland , could this be only this forum had things started about the bungee.
Been to my dealer in Holland last week and they "advise" it to their clients now.
Just using a bungee cord without the plastic gadget , like i made one.
Anyway at leats you are aware of looking up when closing the roof.
There are circumstances when it's going to happen.

Having raised and lowered my roof, hundreds of times, in the most wildest of wild weather, it happened to me on the calmest of days, my head stuck in the roof hatch, all windows open.

The only protection is in, out ...check it all about....

keep walking round a few inches at a time,

and even then, it still happens.

Accept it, move on, it's what tear aid and a glass of wine is for :D
There are circumstances when it's going to happen.

Having raised and lowered my roof, hundreds of times, in the most wildest of wild weather, it happened to me on the calmest of days, my head stuck in the roof hatch, all windows open.

The only protection is in, out ...check it all about....

keep walking round a few inches at a time,

and even then, it still happens.

Accept it, move on, it's what tear aid and a glass of wine is for :D
Do you put the Tear Aid on before or after the wine? :D
In Continental Europe you won't See many bungees. Yes I mean it doesnt look good. The canvas is not flat and it disdurbs the optic of the Cali I think. Thats my opinion.
I got the impression this problem occurs less with T6 as the canvas material seems to bee different from T5.
As a bungee is not giving 100% protection it may also slacken the attention and make you less carefull.
It's easiest to see what's going on from inside - stand on the front seat and tug the reinforcing tapes in when it's about halfway down (stop it first!). Something different has happened to me a couple of times: the mattress has slipped back, and prevented the back end of the roof from seating properly. Just get into the habit of yanking the mattress forward before you close the roof. I must say my recentl;y-fitted bunjee has made things a bit easier. I've also discovered that the GoreTex liner I fitted doesn't have to be detached before lowering the roof. Life with the Cali is even more relaxing now!
The Bungee doesnt look good on the Cali I think. So the only Solution is be very carefull closing the roof. Always check twice. Open the sliding door and the both Windows. Tear the bellow inside while closing the roof. Stop closing if it is about 3 quarters closed. Tear the bellow Inside again and then fully close the roof.
I agree, I like the clean look of the bellows without the bungee. I used to pop my head up inside the roof as I lowered it to make sure nothing catches. Since I fitted the internal cozy I have given in and brought s bungee as I can't see the inside of the bellows anymore.

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