Roof cover



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Swansea Valley.
Cali now sold
Hi. New to Cali, but have had a converted T5 for about 5 years. Now I have never used a pop-top cover, ever, on our camping trips all over Europe, but I get the impression I might need one for the Cali. Is this the case? I know it's canvas but is not showerproof? Can someone offer me some advice on this?
I loved my old T5 but these are a bit special aren't they.
Even going away over the New Year!!
Use the search funcion , read thru some posts....

Camped all year round and in many countries and never felt the need for a cover.
Must be a PITA to put on and off in anything more then a breeze. Must also be a PITA to store and carry around when wet.
So not for us:thumb
But of course others find them essential.
Camped all year round and in many countries and never felt the need for a cover.
Must be a PITA to put on and off in anything more then a breeze. Must also be a PITA to store and carry around when wet.
So not for us:thumb
But of course others find them essential.
Likewise, I have a Pucer Cover and have only put it on half a dozen times, out of the many many hundreds of nights I have slept in my Cali.
Hi. New to Cali, but have had a converted T5 for about 5 years. Now I have never used a pop-top cover, ever, on our camping trips all over Europe, but I get the impression I might need one for the Cali. Is this the case? I know it's canvas but is not showerproof? Can someone offer me some advice on this?
I loved my old T5 but these are a bit special aren't they.
Even going away over the New Year!!
Not a requirement for Winter or Wet camping. The canvas is water proof BUT can allow "wicking" of water through if something is touching the inside. Also when you lower the roof with a wet canvas the mattress could get wet unless it has a waterproof cover. The canvas should be dried before leaving it for more than a few days to prevent mould.
If you can put the roof up at home to dry out then no problem. An internal Topper will stop the wicking and mattress getting wet but the canvas still has to be dried at some point.
Watching as i wonder this too - we don't have any under cover space to dry out when we get home. And knowing the english weather it could be weeks of wet roof canvas that im worried will rot! Not that we've got the cali yet!
Watching as i wonder this too - we don't have any under cover space to dry out when we get home. And knowing the english weather it could be weeks of wet roof canvas that im worried will rot! Not that we've got the cali yet!
I don't have any undercover space at home, but it doesn't take long to dry and I haven't failed yet to get it dry within a few days .
Thanks everyone. Just the replies I was hoping for - I like it as it is so will leave any cover for now. Even in Wales I've always managed to dry the canvas on previous camper after a wet night away.
I have not seen any wicking effect on the T6 canvas yet , very water repellent.
Internal topper I can recommend.
You don't NEED one at all - we sleep up top and have done so in very wet and windy conditions without problems (although there might be a slight spray blowing through the little vents and onto your face while you're sleeping in really squally conditions).
But, if you use the van in the colder months and sleep up top, having a cali-cap (Mütze) makes it a lot warmer and keeps the wind out.
If you don't feel the cold, you wouldn't need one, but (a) we do, and (b) our heater doesn't work without a hookup, which we don't always have.
We would not be without our Cali Topper in the winter months, keeps the heat in and stops the canvas getting damp
We would not be without our Cali Topper in the winter months, keeps the heat in and stops the canvas getting damp

I had a thought.....I like the Cali topper..... It is simple and works but what I do not like is trying to get it on in high winds on my own. The box rails on our love bus are unused... Wouldn't it be great if while travelling between sites or popping out from site the topper could be attached to the rails and folded back securely then just dropped back into position when back on site. Just a thought!
Hi Folks,

Wondering if you can help,

I am looking at buying a roof cover, I have been looking at the California camping Mütze or the Khyam Cosi on camper van tastic, wondered if you have any guidance or recommendations on what is the best to buy and from where? and are theire any discounts available on the Mütze. I also like the idea of the Brandrup Mark IV internal gore liner which provides insulation from within, if getting this one would that negate the need for the outer cap?

Kind Regards

Getting the brandrup internal liner will negate the need for an external topper
IMG_3712 copy 2.JPG We have the Cali-cap (Mütze) which we bought online from California-camping in Germany. We went for the silver grey colour with windows. It keeps the wind out and makes it warmer up top in cold weather. Easy enough to fit, with two people - I wouldn't like to do it on my own though - it's quite heavy & stiff fabric. It packs up small enough to fit in the tailgate with the chairs, apparently, though we keep it in the boot.
Previously we had a wrap-around thing, like the Pucer I think but going behind the struts, which I made myself out of thermal bubble wrap and a lot of duck tape. It worked fine but made it quite dark inside, and eventually got snagged & torn on the struts while threading it through. Did us well for two or three years though, for a capital outlay of about £40.

If anyone is interested in making one of these, I can supply a pattern. The tricky bit is to get the seams to line up nicely. IMG_1315 copy.JPGIMG_1317 copy.JPG
Getting the brandrup internal liner will negate the need for an external topper
With regards to Insulation , I agree. However, an External Topper does have the advantage of keeping the Roof Bellows dry which can be useful if you are unable to raise the roof at home to dry the bellows before storing it for a few weeks.
Hi Folks,

Wondering if you can help,

I am looking at buying a roof cover, I have been looking at the California camping Mütze or the Khyam Cosi on camper van tastic, wondered if you have any guidance or recommendations on what is the best to buy and from where? and are theire any discounts available on the Mütze. I also like the idea of the Brandrup Mark IV internal gore liner which provides insulation from within, if getting this one would that negate the need for the outer cap?

Kind Regards

You have checked out the New Forum Shop link. Plenty of Internal and External covers available, except the Mutz. With a discount if you are a VIP member.

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