Roof not closing



Does anyone find that the roof does not come fully down? It has happened twice. The side opposite the awning is open by 150mm. Fully opening and closing the roof fixes the problem.
Are you sure there is nothing preventing roof closing ? I've seen the 'stiffening strips' in the bellows fold outside, instead of inside & get trapped stopping roof closing. Nothing left on the bed, reading light (can stop roof shutting) folded down properly ?

open by 150mm

That's a lot, not good.
We've had one problem when it was windy, and the roof didn't close by about 3 inches on one side, so it shut at a nasty angle (heart-stopping as we'd only had the van a few weeks).

We're always careful about ensuring the windows are open, and the fabric isn't getting trapped, but can only imagine that some of the fabric had got caught somehow. Putting the roof all the way back up and back down again solved it, and there don't seem to have been any lasting effects (phew!).

We're even more paranoid now and have one person each side checking, and stop a few inches before the roof closes fully to make sure it's even on both sides. We also try and fold the fabric neatly when the roof's on its way down which seems to help.

Not had that problem. We always look up into the roof when we close it. You can then see the fabric folding in correctly. We are equally paranoid about it getting caught in the mechanism.
No, I've never had that or heard of it happening! I would seek the advice of a dealer straight away.

A couple of weeks ago in Norfolk, we closed the roof only to find that a small rubber grommet had dropped off one of the brackets that raises the roof into the channel where the roof closes and it left a small ding in the roof when it was fully closed - and I alywas have a quick check for obstructions before closing. I think it just needs a little nudge by someone that knows how to drive a dollie!
Hi everyone.
I just bought my 1st 2010 cali. Unfortunately, the roof does not close symetricly.
It looks very scary. I am used to the manual t4 westys so i am alsways very carefull. But here, using the electric syst, the passenger side doesnt go fully up and goes down before the other side when closing.
Any tips or advise as i am a bit worried and disapointed.
Firstly I would check to make sure nothing is fouling the roof. If all clear then I think you'd be as well drop it into a dealer to check.
Last time out i accidently had left two pillows upstairs and heard wind blowin while ridin' (t5) , pulled over and removed pillows ....
Always make sure the cali is parked "levelled" before opening the roof it can damadge the hydrolic system.
I guess if you use the pop up roof correctly and it fails to close , re-open it and try again
Thanks for your reply.
I have checked everything and the problem still is. So I will have to book it in. I still have 6 months warranty so fingers crossed.
It looks as if on the passenger side, one of the scissors does not travel all the way to the locking position. :sad
We had our electric roof checked by vw. Problem solved! It was an air lock in the hydraulc actuator due to little use during the winter. The engineer solved this issue by closing and opening the roof several times. :p
A couple of days ago our roof didn't close properly. Seen from the back, the right rear was about 2 inches up while the left rear seemed shut. I only noticed it on the way back from the campsite loo block, and hadn't tried to drive away, so don't know if the alarm would have sounded. Can't recall whether the indicator showed shut or open. I raised it and lowered it again, and all was well.

The wind was only reason I could think of - it had been blowing a gale from that side all night and was still very strong as we packed up. Needless to say, we now check the roof from the outside each time.
Hi this looks like the common problem that VW are aware of just ask the technician when you take it in Its a job that some dealers appear to avoid however, Leicester Van Centre sorted mine. Having said that it was only eight weeks old so wasn't expecting that to happen. Would definitely recommend you get it done whilst you have the warranty. mine had to have a complete rack replaced and would have been very expensive. Hope you get it sorted soon as it takes the shine of what is a great vehicle.
Had entire roof replaced on my 2008 Cali under warranty. First trip we made ( ironically to Germany! ) had same problem as reported above - the rear stiffening strip folded in & in so doing got caught in the rear hinge. Motor kept running resulting in asymmetric closing & buckling of roof. It's obviously a design flaw.
I had a problem closing the passenger side of the vehicle by about 1-2 inches tonight and realised it could be because I was on a slightly downward sloping drive (front of the vehicle lower than the back by about 4-5 inches. I tried opening and closing fully a few times but same problem.

After reading the advice above. I drove it off the drive on to a level road at the side of the house (with the pop-up closed but ajar one side by that amount) and then opened it fully then closed it and it closed fully.

So I really do think it does not like closing on anything but a pretty level surface.

So many thanks @Hotel California for your advice - it allowed me to sleep soundly!
The two part matress in the roof sometimes doubles up at the back when elevated. This can prevent a full closure.
Not sure if you are still on here, but wanted to say thanks for this old comment. It just solved my ‘why won’t the roof close down at the back’ issue!

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