Roof height hard to tell from the photos but I can’t see anything stand out, when the seal is fitted correctly tgd roof / cap will blend in.
why was your seal replaced ?
Where was the corrosion?
if the dealer is two hours away you could have a go yourself, if it subsequently rusts you’ll be going back anyway.
if your practical it’s really easy, the seal is a push fit, it come in a straivpght section that needs to be shaped to fit the front roof profile,
funnily enough that shaping can cause the rubber to split exposing the steel reinforcing. I’ve had a brand new one showing rust !
You need to be aware that the front section is a different profile from the side / rear , the corners are bonded and need to be treated with care.
IMO there is something that can Be done to improve the seating simply by removing and refitting.
Regular checks (twice per year At least is what I do ) remove In Section, inspect,clean the roof edge and seal.