Rotary knob on control panel

But VW assure me there is not a problem with this part!

Looking forward to their phone call tomorrow with an exact figure for replacement. Thinking i will get it replaced but then look into buying that knob and fixing my original unit. At least I then have a back up should the new unit fail.
The saga continues...

I asked for a full breakdown of the cost of replacing the control panel before agreeing to the work. Despite being quoted £350 (before discount) for the unit last week, today I was told it was £542 for the parts. I have now been told that some other 'bits and pieces' are required. Does anyone have any idea what these may be considering they cost the best part of £200?!!

Its obviously not a difficult job as labour is being quoted as £32.

To say I am fuming with VW UK is an understatement. No issues with my dealer but I do think the response from VW is poor. Am I expecting too much?
The control unit comes as a complete unit. We have not had to get any other parts when replacing the units in the past.

That's what I thought. I will wait and see what they say. Thanks
So since VW won't pay to fix my unit I thought I had nothing to lose by taking it apart. Clearly it is broken but the question is how can such an infrequently used part fail so regularly and it not be a problem?

On a plus point I can now use the control panel without fear of being unable to lower the roof albeit with a screwdriver.

Wobbly knob! – ignore it at your peril - get it fixed before it lets you down!!

Our control panel has just been changed for the second time in two years all because of a knob which is not man enough for the job – so now looking forward to this being an annual event!

This time it was really inconvenient as the roof would not retract. This resulted in a drive from one side of Scotland to the other and a complete re-scheduling of our holiday plans. On the plus side, I must say that the staff at VW Hawco Van Centre in Inverness were really pleasant and helpful in getting us back on the road. :clap

However, I must reiterate what has been said before. How can VW keep on supplying vehicles with known faults (ie a control panel with a plastic knob that is not up to the job) which could be easily upgraded and save not only owners, but also VW, a considerable amount of time and money. It’s bad enough when you are covered by the warranty, but in a year’s time, and when I am faced with a £500± bill, I’m not going to be a very happy bunny. :evil:

It really does seem that VW are happy continually to supply vehicles with regularly recurring faults. (I will not mention roof corrosion!)

Get it fixed VW.
Why can't this be fixed with epoxy putty.?

Remove all the splinned parts from the back of the knob then fill the hole half way with the mixed putty and carefully push knob back on . You could either just leave it and let it set (10 mins) or remove the knob carefully and wait till its sets hard and then replace. The second option stops it bonding to the splined shaft. The putty will perfectly form the female shape of the splines and the material is exceptional tuff as can be drilled / sanded / tapped. They sell it all over. Even saw it in poundland .
So a potential quid fix. I carry some in the Cali all the time just in case and it has loads of uses.
That sounds a very interesting solution. Must admit I don't know the first thing about epoxy putty but having had a quick look online, I can see how this might work. I would be a bit unsure if I could leave the knob in situ whilst it sets as surely it would adhere to the clear plastic surround that the knob sits over? However, the second option of removing it whilst it sets could potentially work well.

Very annoying as now that I have actually removed the broken knob, the control panel works perfectly well. The dial can be turned using a fingernail and worked great whilst I was away at the weekend.

Just a tip for anyone thinking of removing their control panel, makes sure that when reconnecting the plugs at the back, you reconnect the smallest plug first. Apparently, from the Cali tech at VW Liverpool, if you don't the unit will fail to recognise the heater and you will have to get VW to recode the unit. I did as he said and everything is working fine.
The California roof Control Rotary Knob fault is quite common, we can replace the faulty components in 99% of cases for around £75...

Anyone needing assistance feel free to contact me..

So the new unit has now been fitted and time for me to move on.

I have had a final conversation with VW Customer Care about this issue. Their stance is this problem with the knob is the first they have heard of it so will not be looking into it any further. I know a lot of the Control Units are being replaced under warranty at the moment but I would suggest that even so, you log the problem with VW Customer Care otherwise nothing will change.
My knob broke about a 18 months ago - I took the control panel apart and removed the knob and have just been using my finger nail to rotate the metal part of the control stick. I thought that I had a really serious problem with intermittent electrical faults - cracked PCB or something, so was relieved to discover it was just a crumbled piece of plastic.
We now also have a broken control panel knob. We're six months out of warranty.

The knob just spins around and hardly catches, so we did manage to lower the roof 200 miles away from home last Saturday but only just.

I have read extensively about the subject, particularly on the German forums and this is clearly a design failure more common than VW seem willing to admit.

I started to get quite cross at how flimsy some of the official conversion parts on this van are. I sat there looking at the radio buttons thinking that however hard I pressed them, pulled them and bashed them they would stand up to much abuse. How then is the button on the control panel so weak in comparison?

So far we've managed to break this button, put the little crease in the side of the roof, break the small black plastic bit at the bottom of the roof support, and catch the roof fabric and sightly cut it. Pretty much the perils of owning a California van all achieved by now.

That's all parts bespoke to the California van converted by VW causing problems. The donor VW van is robust. The conversion is weak.

I plan to ring VW customer service but reading other people's posts I don't hold out much hope. We rang our local dealer today (Bristol) and they said they had never heard of the knob breaking before.

Can others who have experienced this problem let themselves be known so I can arm myself with more evidence this is not a unique issue.

My mission is to get VW to see sense and release as a part the knob alone for £5.00 rather than a £500 complete replacement part.

Many thanks

Our control panel knob has failed TWICE in the first two years of the Cali’s life. First time within the first year, with the original owner. Then again in the second year with us, resulting in having to drive from one side of Scotland to the other to get it fixed, thus loosing two days of our holiday. So it looks like being an annual repair. :evil:

Agree, great base vehicle, great conversion design, but just not robust enough.

It’s becoming a joke amongst my friends that a vehicle that cost so much can have so many problems. :lol: :crazy :lol:

VW, get these long running problems fixed :!:
I had the panel replaced under warranty recently.
Since it has been replaced I have noticed that I have hit my head on it twice whilst negotiating the gap between the seats to return to the driving position. I think this is why the knob breaks.
VW are very hot on the Health and Safety and should not have a prominent object ( the knob ) in such a position that you hit it with your head.

Just my view.

robo said:
.. should not have a prominent object ( the knob ) in such a position

I think you are being a little bit harsh on yourself there :lol:

I would like to see the button that operates the roof moved or duplicated on the door - or even via remote control on the key fob, thus giving you choices around where you are when you raise and lower the roof. Not so you can do it from miles away you understand, but so you can be checking all around etc as it is lowered.
Hannick said:
Can others who have experienced this problem let themselves be known so I can arm myself with more evidence this is not a unique issue.

Mine broke too, so add me to the list.
I've been using it without the grey know for about 18months now - just stick my finger in and turn it using my nail :thumb
I realise VW have probably binned the replaced control panel, but I am looking for a second hand one and an old one with a broken knob would be good.

This same issue happened to my 61 plate. We were on holiday in Cornwall with the roof up & the knob on the control panel just broke. I called the AA & the guy who came out was frankly scared to death to remove the control panel in case of damaging the trim etc. I eventually got the panel out as in order to get the roof down there is a emergency screw witch you have to turn anticlockwise slowly & then the roof deflates. The point is if this happens when your on holiday once the roof has been deflated, that's your holiday over as you carnt raise the roof again!
My local dealership were great as they simply swapped the unit from a Cali in the showroom.
Cali owners beware!!!! :eek: I have written to vw about this & I am waiting on a reply!
I have spoken to VW customer services and await a further call. The person I spoke with initially did know of this problem which was refreshing as our dealer said they had never heard of it before (which can't be the case as another member on this forum has been discussing the problem and have been visiting the same dealer!).

All we really need is for VW to make the knob available as a replacement part for 50p as it's a cinch to fit despite the need to open the box if this is anything to go by
I bought one from Andreas : it's a good finish and it's only 15€ more or less (£12 including shipping I think).
I've sent him and email. I'll ask for a price for a dozen so we can have a forum stock!
I'll need one too as mine is held together by superglue!

Although my panel display is failing too and my aux heater has stopped working :-(

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I'll let you know when he replies to see what he might do.

I see there is activity on the German forums about the same subject and he is supplying to accommodate that demand.
So the problems with rotary knob failures continues. Best of luck getting VW to acknowledge that it is a faulty part. How many years did it take before they accepted the roof blistering was also their fault? :headbang

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