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I’ve noticed over the past few weeks, with the sunny weather we have been having, that my 100w Solar Panel was not giving the output I was used to. It’s been on the vehicle for 4+ years and 87,000 miles and I thought it might be failing due to vibration and general wear and tear as the vehicle is kept outside in all weathers.
It is regularly cleaned , as is the roof, with water and a wax car shampoo using a long handled very soft brush and then hosed down but not dried.
Anyway, close examination showed a very dull surface with a slight yellowish tinge that could be scratched with a fingernail. Ahh, I thought, I wonder if this is a build up of traffic film + the wax from the car shampoo.
Using T Cut, with a damp microfibre cloth and gentle pressure I cleaned the whole panel. What a difference. The yellow film was gone and the panel surround was now silver rather than a dull, yellow colour.
Finally I used a clear liquid polish and even though today is dull the Panel Output has improved significantly. I’ll wait for a really sunny day but it looks like the panel might go on for a few years yet.
So if your panel is losing performance give it a good clean. I don’t know if there are any special products to use for panels, something I need to look into.
It is regularly cleaned , as is the roof, with water and a wax car shampoo using a long handled very soft brush and then hosed down but not dried.
Anyway, close examination showed a very dull surface with a slight yellowish tinge that could be scratched with a fingernail. Ahh, I thought, I wonder if this is a build up of traffic film + the wax from the car shampoo.
Using T Cut, with a damp microfibre cloth and gentle pressure I cleaned the whole panel. What a difference. The yellow film was gone and the panel surround was now silver rather than a dull, yellow colour.
Finally I used a clear liquid polish and even though today is dull the Panel Output has improved significantly. I’ll wait for a really sunny day but it looks like the panel might go on for a few years yet.
So if your panel is losing performance give it a good clean. I don’t know if there are any special products to use for panels, something I need to look into.