Sorning your Cali in the current climate

As far as I have read, the Government's VED regime is changing as of tommorrow inline with the more realistic WTLP (at least I think that's what the abrieviation is) pollution testing method. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find out how the increase in VED will effect our vehicle. I know we will have to pay more to re -tax it when the time comes but how much is uncertain.
It only affects new registrations - depending on vehicle it may move it up an emissions group & thus affect the first registration fee.
Anybody know what Admirals stance is on Sorning ?
I don't see anything in the policy document saying you can't have the vehicle on SORN?
It's not listed as you must tell us immediately list either

after reading your responses, I called insurer back and queried what they had told previously me and now they saying that they can indeed keep the insurance policy running whilst vehicle is sorned... so i have reinstated the cover (and peace of mind) I had just taken them on trust when told they could not cover during earlier contact. Phew... thanks once again guys. Now just wondering whether i have done right in sorning at all. weird times and i have never been great at these sort of decisions.
Just Sorn Cali as i doubt i will be using it over the next 6 months (£250 plus saving so worth having) and even if I did because i live in a tourist area I would be too worried about parking it up in case it gets damaged. Noticed a camper van the other day in the local super market car park with a notice on the window saying "I am not a tourist I live here"

Anybody know what Admirals stance is on Sorning ?
Been trying to find out Admirals policy but they seem to have hidden their email contact! Just SORNed mine.
If I get anything from Admiral I will update, if you can do the same?
after reading your responses, I called insurer back and queried what they had told previously me and now they saying that they can indeed keep the insurance policy running whilst vehicle is sorned... so i have reinstated the cover (and peace of mind) I had just taken them on trust when told they could not cover during earlier contact. Phew... thanks once again guys. Now just wondering whether i have done right in sorning at all. weird times and i have never been great at these sort of decisions.
Good move reinstating insurance :)
Helpful email from Comfort. Mine is my daily drive and using for shopping for parents etc. Posted in case of use for others. Apologies if already posted and I’ve missed it.

Dear Comfort Insurance Customer,

The Coronavirus has resulted in restrictions being placed upon movement of people and vehicles. A number of you have been asking us about SORN and the impact of the recently announced MOT extension period on your insurance arrangements. In response, we’ve put together some information that you may find useful.

What Happens If I SORN My Vehicle?

As the spread of the Coronavirus reaches pandemic proportions, you may be considering applying for a Statutory Off Road Notice (SORN) particularly if you have no immediate plans to use your vehicle on the road.

Once the registered keeper of the vehicle has made a SORN, whilst there is no longer a legal requirement to insure the vehicle, you can maintain your Comfort Insurance motor policy. In fact, because motorhomes and campervans are highly expensive, with the typical price being in region of £60K-£70K, it is highly recommended that fully comprehensive motorhome insurance cover is maintained at all times, even if you have no immediate intention of taking your vehicle out on the road. There are several key reasons for this recommendation:

Vehicle Damage – Should your motorhome or campervan be damaged whilst it’s off the road, you’ll still need insurance cover to get it repaired.

Theft – Vehicles left unused for extended periods of time are sadly targets for thieves. Without insurance cover in place, should your vehicle be stolen or damaged whilst someone attempts to steal it, then you’ll be out of pocket. If your vehicle is being purchased on credit, the credit company will insist that the vehicle is comprehensively insured. If your vehicle has been purchased on credit and it’s not insured and it is damaged or stolen, not only will you have to pay for the loss yourself, you’ll continue to be liable to pay any outstanding finance on the vehicle.

Storage Site Requirements – Many off-site storage facilities stipulate in their terms and conditions that you must maintain insurance whilst your vehicle is being stored. This is to protect you should your vehicle cause damage to somebody else’s property whilst on site.

Additional Benefits – In addition to providing cover for your motorhome or campervan, your Comfort Insurance policy includes cover for accessories e.g. awnings and generators and also legal expenses cover. These additional covers are of benefit to you even whilst your vehicle is being kept off road.

Keeping your vehicle secure whilst it’s off road
Whilst your vehicle is off road, we highly recommend that you review your vehicle security arrangements to help prevent it being stolen.

To read this and other blogs please click here

Coronavirus – What Happens If My Motorhome Or Campervan MOT Is Due From 30 March 2020?

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency has announced that car, van or motorcycle MOTs due from 30 March 2020 will automatically be extended by 6 months. If you have a Comfort Insurance Policy covering either your motorhome or campervan and your vehicle MOT is due on or after the 30 March 2020, provided that you continue to maintain your vehicle in a safe condition your insurer will treat your vehicle as if it has an MOT and will, subject to the terms and conditions of your insurance policy, deal with any claim. This situation will continue for the duration that the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency continues any extension.

You are recommended to check the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency for updates.
To SORN or not?

Just a note if ,like us, you are likely to not use the California for the next month today is the day to Sorn it. We are lucky that it's parked in our yard can easily be hooked up to the mains to charge up the batteries and we have another old vehicle which we can use if the need arises! We can drive it up the yard to ensure that the tyres and engine don't deteriorate.
Been trying to find out Admirals policy but they seem to have hidden their email contact! Just SORNed mine.
If I get anything from Admiral I will update, if you can do the same?
To cover my A**e I've email Admiral telling them I'm SORNing my Cali & MX5. Using the Email used in previous communications with them .....
Ok so I started this thread and today after confirming with our insurance company we would still be covered we have decided to sorn our Cali as I cant see us being able to use it for at least 3 months. Interestingly the insurance company agent said she had spoken to about 12 other customers doing the same thing.

I would be uncomfortable leaving our Cali in the local supermarket for essential shopping and to be fare its only a couple of miles away so I normally cycle.

Our Cali is only 6 months old with extended warranty so hopefully all will be well. I will move the van on the drive every so often to rotate the tyre contact areas and connect the EHU every 3 weeks.

Our other 3 cars 2 modern and one 60s classic will be insured and taxed.
Have you spared a thought for the economic
climate ahead. It might only be 24 quid or whatever but
im sure you could let that go, if everyone in the country
did the same, well, its gonna get tough. Especially
with brexit looming. :)
I don't know how much it will save if you SORN your Cali
but im sure many people here could afford to just let it ride.

Small businesses and one man bands are really going through
the mill at this time and as far as i can see the government are trying
their best to help them, but where does that money come from.

If 5 million SORNd their cars tomorrow then that would leave
a big hole in the coffers.

How much do you lot pay for the NHS, not much because its expected.
So when you SORN your car this week and need healthcare next week, whilst
you're led in the back of a meat wagon have a think about where the money
is coming from.

Of course, i am the odd one out by thinking this way as ive been
told from a few friends in blighty.

I’ll not be SORNing any of our 2 vehicles. The Smart is £0 VED anyway and I’ll alternate going to the Supermarket or Chemist for my prescription so that each will get an extended run every 2 weeks.
As you say, @westfalia , in practice you save little and the money will be needed. I’ve already saved £180 in Diesel so far.
Whilst I sympathise somewhat with the sentiment.... I am on Furloughed leave from 1st April, so I'm doing what is necessary to balance the books in a restricted income scenario

Yes I'm double hitting the the public purse currently, deferring my VED payments whilst my employer takes the governments schilling to keep me on the books...

If that makes me public enemy No.1 in some peoples eyes then all I can do is apologise :Iamsorry
Whilst I sympathise somewhat with the sentiment.... I am on Furloughed leave from 1st April, so I'm doing what is necessary to balance the books in a restricted income scenario

Yes I'm double hitting the the public purse currently, deferring my VED payments whilst my employer takes the governments schilling to keep me on the books...

If that makes me public enemy No.1 in some peoples eyes then all I can do is apologise :Iamsorry
Not in my eyes. :thumb
It only affects new registrations - depending on vehicle it may move it up an emissions group & thus affect the first registration fee.
I did read somewhere that renewals are due to rise inline with RPI from tomorrow. Whether that's true remains to be seen.
How do you arrange insurance? Do you insure them individually or collectively?
If I had space, I would have a car for every day of the month - daft I know, but whatever turns you on!

I don’t do details like that. Mrs Pod does admin. I just drive.
Been trying to find out Admirals policy but they seem to have hidden their email contact! Just SORNed mine.
If I get anything from Admiral I will update, if you can do the same?
Will do - Cant find anything except a couple of general articles were they talk about the benefits of SORN and being able to reduce your level of insurance if you want ....
Will do - Cant find anything except a couple of general articles were they talk about the benefits of SORN and being able to reduce your level of insurance if you want ....
I’ve updated my post... emailed Admiral.
I have also just been pondering this.

Taking our case as an example, we have a 2019 Cali Beach 150ps dsg which we collected in late October but taxed from Nov 1st. So if we were to SORN online today I should receive a cheque for seven months un-used VED. You do not get a refund for the whopping first year registration fee but you are refunded at the second year VED rate which is currently £145 + £320 = £465. Therefore our refund should be £465 ÷12 × 7 = £271.25p which works out at £38.75 pm. Now assuming the lock down lasts for three months, I would be saving £116.25 or would I?

As far as I have read, the Government's VED regime is changing as of tommorrow inline with the more realistic WTLP (at least I think that's what the abrieviation is) pollution testing method. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find out how the increase in VED will effect our vehicle. I know we will have to pay more to re -tax it when the time comes but how much is uncertain. In any case we would only be bringing forward the inevitable. So is my SORNing our vehicle worth it? I would be making a saving but not that much. The only major advantage that I can see is that I won't have to raid the piggy bank to pay the VED and Insurance at the same time when due.

Not sure if I can be bothered.

VW insurance services said they weren't interested and the insurance is unaffected.
So what happens to the 5 year period of increased VED if you do this? Does it pause and then run for the remainder of the 5 years or does it continue to click down whilst the vehicle is sorned?
Just be wary of getting conned into paying a fee to sorn your vehicle. There are lots of 'agents' (or scrots) who are advertising on Google and appearing at the top of the search results for "sorn my vehicle". They charge you upwards of £40 to do what you can do for free if you find the correct site.
So what happens to the 5 year period of increased VED if you do this? Does it pause and then run for the remainder of the 5 years or does it continue to click down whilst the vehicle is sorned?
I'm not sure.
So what happens to the 5 year period of increased VED if you do this? Does it pause and then run for the remainder of the 5 years or does it continue to click down whilst the vehicle is sorned?
I asked the very same point earlier in this thread (or a similar current one). Someone said the 5 (effectively 6 actually) period of higher rates would end at the same point, but offered no proof or other logic/detail.
If you sorn for 3 months, your tax renewals will have moved 3 months from your reg date, so the fifth one will be in the 5 years and 3 months from your reg date, and I suspect it will be at the full higher rate (£450ish). Otherwise, you could sorn for a day (effectively a month) even in non crisis times and save yourself £305 which would tempt more folk.
If you sorned for 12 months (and perhaps a day?), I could see how that might bring that 5th renewal down to £145ish
Let’s hope we don’t get into that territory! I’m curious (having owned a 2017) but not impacted as I now have an early T5 which is my only vehicle.

VW California Club
