Speed cameras on Discover Navigation



T6 Beach 150
Like so many people I'm disappointed that the Discover Navigation upgrade doesn’t show speed cameras (£781 upgrade on a 40K vehicle). Personally I wouldn't have order and didn't but ended up purchasing a demonstrator which already had it, long story.

Anyway stop rambling, Looking around for how this can be fixed I found this thread on the T6forum,


but to download you need to be a VIP member and I didn't want to join another forum.

Sounds like something we should have on the California Club forum if it works can anyone help??
:welcome I think if you want speed camera's on your Discover Navigation system join t6 forum membership is worth it just for that
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Yep but what's the point of a Forum if we all have to spend many hours trawling the net for answers and updates. The number of members of this forum x £12.99???
Yep but what's the point of a Forum if we all have to spend many hours trawling the net for answers and updates. The number of members of this forum x £12.99???
And for that payment you get ALL the VIP Discounts anyone of which will more than cover the VIP membership.

VW don't supply Speed Camera information on their SatNavs for the simple reason it is Illegal to do so in many European Countries.

The whole point of a Forum is for members to share their knowledge, experience and anything they might find elsewhere that might be of use to other members.

You have done this by providing a link as to where UK speed camera info is available.:thanks
Yep but what's the point of a Forum if we all have to spend many hours trawling the net for answers and updates. The number of members of this forum x £12.99???
The cheapest way to avoid being caught out by speed cameras is to comply with the speed limits. This has the additional benefit of making the roads safer for everyone.
You can download a free TomTom camera app that will automatically start when connected to bluetooth. Turn up the volume on your phone and voilà, I use it when app connect and Google are in use. Works great so far.
Pay 3 years VIP subscription and it's not much more than 1 years standard TomTom cost.

I have a new TomTom device with lifetime Cameras etc. but find that I pay more attention to speed when it's not on. As unmarked cars & Mobile Cameras are widespread NOT speeding is the sensible solution and cheapest.

I just assume that a Camera is round every corner and in every village.
You might also consider something like this. From past experience the likes of TomTom etc camera database is rarely accurate or up to date whereas this one is. Used it for years and it has saved me when I use to do big mileage for work. OK its still a paid for database but it comes in many forms which are suitable for just about any satnav system. Certainly works OK on the RNS 510, just a shame there's no warning facility on that.
Also woth looking at is their free Camera Alert system for mobiles using the above database.
You can get a SD card with the POIs from sellers on eBay. At around £60, it makes the T6 forum option good value
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