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stuck driver seat



T5 SE 180
Hi - can anyone help? My 2013 cali has got a stuck drivers seat - it won't swivel! It is in the driving position. Nothing has happened to it in terms of trauma, however after visiting VW Leicester I have found out that it will cost £700 parts + @250 labour to replace the upper and lower parts of the swivel parts. The issue is that 'drivers seat frame bracket has broken away - new lower seat frame required'. The junction of the cross bar and the side of the seat frame has torn away and the bar is twisted and is catching on the bottom of the seat frame. The van has done 19k miles, has been treated well and has had no advesre expereinces. VW will not offer any good will (van is 4.5 years old) and I have had to lodge a complaint - not very hopeful! Any thoughts........
Oh dear!
Sorry for my silly question: It swiveld before and it did in the beginning? For me it sounds like a warrenty issue? What is written down i your documents?
Hope things get sortet soon and less expensive!
This sounds like an uncommon issue and unassociated with wear and tear.
My stance with VW would be that in 19,000m and 4.5 years the swivel seat has not been used a disproportionate amount and should last the life time of the vehicle with reasonable care and usage.
Now when you say broken, I can't visualise the break you describe but it does sound like either a weld has failed or a crack has developed. If so this once more is not wear and tear and should not be expected.

I hope you get some good will in the end.
Thank you 2020 freedom...... we'll find out what the VW customer care does....given the histroy of responses recorded in this forum my fingers are crossed - but I am not hopeful. I have found 2 other 'close' instances in the forum - both required new seat bases (upper only / lower only / both ......not clear)
Thank you 2020 freedom...... we'll find out what the VW customer care does....given the histroy of responses recorded in this forum my fingers are crossed - but I am not hopeful. I have found 2 other 'close' instances in the forum - both required new seat bases (upper only / lower only / both ......not clear)

Print out the enclosed Parts Plan and ask them to point out what the problem is exactly.

Ignore Part 12 as that is the Seat Height System which the California doesn't have.

I cannot work out what they are referring to.

Parts 25, 20 and 1 refer to the swivelling seat that allows front/back adjustment and swivel.
Think some of us would like to see a picture of these faults , so we can check how it look like on ours.

Print out the enclosed Parts Plan and ask them to point out what the problem is exactly.

Ignore Part 12 as that is the Seat Height System which the California doesn't have.

I cannot work out what they are referring to.

Parts 25, 20 and 1 refer to the swivelling seat that allows front/back adjustment and swivel.
Fantastic Welshgas...the parts specifically are 25 (the one that is broken - the rear 'sideways ' bar is detached from the side on the handbrake side and the part 20 which is the base. VW want to order both as both may be damaged (from 25 scraping on 20). ideally they will only replace the top one - still £334.
Think some of us would like to see a picture of these faults , so we can check how it look like on ours.
Hi - here is the image from VW - look at the bar with the cable attached - it has detached from the side att he top of the photo and has also twisted / deformed - see mid bottom of photo.
Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at 12.28.56.png
@simba would it be possible to source a swivel plate from a converter, their used to be a manufacturer of swivel plates for vans in Melton Mowbray, I would definitely look for a replacement elsewhere
Hi - here is the image from VW - look at the bar with the cable attached - it has detached from the side att he top of the photo and has also twisted / deformed - see mid bottom of photo.
View attachment 34665

Did you got your Cali from new or 2nd hand?
That looks as if it has been forced.
Have you ever had it swivelled?
That looks as if it has been forced.
Have you ever had it swivelled?
I phoned VW and their advice was to turn it round so it could be driven. So yes it was forced - either that or be stuck in a remote and wild place in northern Scotland.
I phoned VW and their advice was to turn it round so it could be driven. So yes it was forced - either that or be stuck in a remote and wild place in northern Scotland.
Ah, I see. I thought it hadn’t been swivelled in your ownership.

So acting on VWs advice you forced it into position.
I would be inclined to suggest that they are therefore partly responsible for the possible damage to the Part 20 caused by forcibly swivelling the Seat On their instructions.
Bit confused :
You used it before in every position , then it got stuck while turned arround in camping position facing rear and VW told you to turn it in to driving position....
Witch you did and then things looked like this .
So who forced things to break ? You did this yourself ? Now wondering why it's broken ...
Bit confused :
You used it before in every position , then it got stuck while turned arround in camping position facing rear and VW told you to turn it in to driving position....
Witch you did and then things looked like this .
So who forced things to break ? You did this yourself ? Now wondering why it's broken ...
Thank you for your question - Yes it was used as it should without any issues. I asked for advice becasue I was in a remote location in the north of scotland - VW gave it, I applied it. Whether the frame was broken before I turned it or as a result I cannot say. I do not know why it has broken. The part has failed without any undue useage whatsoever. Hope this makes sense.
Thank you for your question - Yes it was used as it should without any issues. I asked for advice becasue I was in a remote location in the north of scotland - VW gave it, I applied it. Whether the frame was broken before I turned it or as a result I cannot say. I do not know why it has broken. The part has failed without any undue useage whatsoever. Hope this makes sense.

I can understand your view , but i think just taking advice over the phone and forcing the seat to turn arround seems was not a good idea .
Now the point will be to prove it was broken before you forced it on advise from your guy on the phone .
Think that guy will do everything to proof you where wrong and forced things to break .
Thank you for your comment. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. The thread is turning into a me v VW battle. Not what I intended. I am seeking advice about solutions - admittedly seeking a detailed conversation is one strand! If any one has any alternative solutions to solve the issue or had similiar experiences that would be most welcome.
Can the bottom part not be straightened and tapped back into place? Then the bracket that has broken away could just be mig welded back on where it was. The seat would need to stripped down to do this but that's not too onerous.
Thank you - good idea, however with a 'premium product' like a cali I struggle with doing a Heath Robinson! Also there is the safety aspect - would fettling around weaken the substructure of the seat etc.
that's an easy fix for a good welder. take it to a converters or a metal shop. you'll be surprised how good some of these guys are

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