T4 California replace H frame with gas struts



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Hi looking to replace the H frame, which still works, but one of the interior cables has snapped, with gas struts. Looking for advice on suppliers, how to do it, where to attach etc. Thanks Lucy
Hi Lucy , can't give any help but just saying welcome on your first post !
The T4 brigade will probally take action soon giving info .....;)
What interior cables are you referring to?

H frame beats gas struts hands down.

I had the H frame in my last (older) Westy. The newer one is gas. Big step backwards.
Inside my 93 Westy H frame vertical struts there are wire cables that work to stabilise and tension the frame when pushed upto vertical. The cable on the offside side had frayed and snapped leaving that side of the roof less stable. I currently use an old pedal strap to clamp around the joint when roof put up. It works, but thought changing to gas struts would be a step forward particularly as the roof is heavy for a small person.
Well I'd never noticed those.

Ok well if I were you I'd get the cable repaired.

Changing to gas struts is quite a job.
It'll involve supporting the roof independently of the vehicle.
They are under quite a high load even whilst extended. Never attempt to release one unless it's strapped and unable to extend.

I get your point about the weight but the H frame is a beautifully simple and effective solution.
Gas struts allow twisting of the roof whilst lowering. I'm not a fan.

You may actually just invert the problem.
If you're small the gas strut roof can be tricky to pull down.
There is a local conversion company who could do the work, it was more me sourcing the correct parts.

You'd never know the cable was there if all is good and healthy. Roof still works, just doesn't feel as stable, hence strapping up the middle joint. Not sure cable can be replaced as it runs internally, where it attaches etc is unknown to me.
The H frame does make a handy drying rack, and as anyone who owns one of these knows there is always something to spend money on.

Thanks for your help.
The roof is also locked up by raising the upper bed and clicking in place.

Indeed. We miss the drying rail!!
I bought the van a couple of years ago, since then I've probably spent about a year living/touring in it, good weather sleep upstairs, winter roof down, downstairs sleeping. When upstairs don't fancy being squashed under that roof.
Just catching with van jobs/rust over the summer before heading off for a few months in Spain/Portugal.
There is a local conversion company who could do the work, it was more me sourcing the correct parts.

You'd never know the cable was there if all is good and healthy. Roof still works, just doesn't feel as stable, hence strapping up the middle joint. Not sure cable can be replaced as it runs internally, where it attaches etc is unknown to me.
The H frame does make a handy drying rack, and as anyone who owns one of these knows there is always something to spend money on.

Thanks for your help.
If you were definite about converting to the gas strut roof sourcing the parts will certainly be your biggest issue. This website has diagrams and part numbers for everything you'd need but as you'll soon see most of the Westfalia stuff is no longer available. Giving a list of part numbers to your friendly VW Dealer parts department might reveal a few but it's more likely you'd need to find a donor vehicle. Seems like an awful lot of effort when the simplest thing may be to source the replacement parts for your H frame and get that fixed.
SGS sell gas struts and brackets as do Guntzl, so parts aren't the issue. It is more location on body and roof etc that I was concerned about.
Also as you said, finding genuine replacement parts for the Westfalia H frame might actually be more problematic than sourcing new gas struts.
From experience my VW dealer is not helpful, they supply nothing van/commercial based.
I'll stick with my old H frame until a better solution comes along, it still has plenty of things needing doing that will burn a hole in my wallet.
Hi Lucy,

I have has the same issue with my 93 Westy. I have been looking for a gas strut kit to add to the H bar.
Did you manage to source something?
To give some extra confidence, I can add that on the Dutch T4 forum quite some people have gone before you, using the supplier that @mrcheesbrough mentions.
Excellent thanks, that is cheaper than the one on serial-kombi.com but I need to checkout the import costs as you say.
Looks a good kit. Useful photos on their website too. Good luck with the install.

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Have installed now. I decided to keep the H frame to help with stability and a good place to hang stuff!

I had only one cable gone inside the H frame but had to cut the other one because the roof would not go up/down straight.

Happy with the result, cost was about £200 for kit, $92 was postage!

I drilled pilot holes for the self drilling screws on the bottom fixing but they were still hard to drill into the metal!




Note, If you remove the H bar you use the existing fixings in the roof and don't need to drill through the pop top!
Have installed now. I decided to keep the H frame to help with stability and a good place to hang stuff!

I had only one cable gone inside the H frame but had to cut the other one because the roof would not go up/down straight.

Happy with the result, cost was about £200 for kit, $92 was postage!

I drilled pilot holes for the self drilling screws on the bottom fixing but they were still hard to drill into the metal!

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Hi ! Nice job !
I'm going to do the same as you, I ordered and just received the GoWesty Kit (from France, so more postage and taxe than the cost of the product itself )
Anyway, I wonder two things :
1) which silicone have you used for the washers/bolts on the top of the roof ?
2) when screwing the nuts on the bolts, how do you hold the bolt ? I presume the whole parts are turning if not held ?

Thanks !

VW California Club
