T4 fridge problem.


Gary Yeowell

Just browsing
I have recently started getting a clicking electrical noise, like a relay, from the fridge area of my T4 California coach, year 2000. I am pretty sure it is a problem with a relay for the fridge but am no expert. The fridge has now stopped working but whenever i start the engine i get a clicking sound that is worse when i accelerate or rev engine on idle. I have no idea where any electrics are regarding the fridge and would be happy take it to someone who does, however i can find no one in my area, Harlow, Essex, UK, who specialises in these vehicles. (any suggestions welcome). If anyone has any idea where the fridge relay/electrics are located, or indeed has had a similar issue i'd love to hear from you. The fridge icon on the display panel still works, but obviously the problem is later on in the chain.

Many thanks,
HI Gary,

If you're not confident working on the van yourself there is a Westy specialist not far from you (http://www.campervans4u.com/). I've never used them, but have heard good things about them on forums.

The good news is that if the problem is with the fridge electronics it is an easy fix.

There are details in this thread: http://vwcaliforniaclub.com/threads/t4-westfalia-useful-information.5207/ about where to source the replacement electronic box. It's not an identical unit, but is an easy job to do.

To get to the electronics, move the bench seat all the way forwards. Remove the lowest panel under the fridge. It's a couple of screws and then pull out on the grill at the bottom (use a coathanger or simiar to hook through the grill and pull).

Under the fridge will be a black box. Take the front off of that, there are quite a few screws if I remember correctly. That will expose the fridge electronics.

Before changing it, check the fridge is getting enough power first. I think they need at least 11.8v? So check the batteries are charged, the fuse is intact and the fridge is getting power.

When mine failed it beeped every few seconds. But it could be you have a different controller or a different kind of failure.

I'm not sure, but you might be able to get some diagnostic information from your overhead controller, details about how to do this are in the thead linked above. I think the later controllers would display the temperature that the fridge thinks it is and might indicate if the temp sensor has failed rather than the electronics.

Sorry, waffled on too long, but hope that is of help
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Wow Dan, what a first class response! I have left a message with Campervans for you and will in the interim try to locate the problem using the info you have given me.

Many thanks!!

VW California Club
