T4 Retro fit cruise control question



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Hi everyone, does anyone know if you can retro fit a 2002 California Westfalia LHD with cruise control?
It has electric windows of that helps and it was an optional extra however the cruise control switch isn't on the stork so I guess I'll have to source stork. If anyone knows someone who can do this in the South West region that would be great.
Cruise control retrofit is no problem on any T4 with an ECU. Which yours will have. Dealerships can perform the job for you, along with supplying the stalk. I think it's around £300. I'm sure there are independent specialists who are cheaper. I'm in the south west too but haven't had this done yet so can't advise you on who might be worth trying. Maybe try on the T4 forum.
The stalk itself is less than £100 with a loom that plugs in, then it usually needs coding. From what I understand sometimes coding is not needed. This is a job on my to-do list as well

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Thanks Guys at least I now know it can be done and £300 or so with a VW dealer isn't that bad, I'll let you know how I get on I'm hoping to do this in the new year.
Way in the past I have fitted cruise control to two T4s, a '99 and an '02 but both were RHD. It is a simple job ever since VW realised that others were making a profit out of manufacturing the link wiring loom and made it available as a genuine spare part.
On the RHD models the connector into the main loom under the dash could be a bit difficult to find as it was sometimes pushed up out of sight so you may have similar trouble on a LHD model.
As others have said you need a new stalk and the interconnecting wiring loom plus a VCDS job to re-code.

On my to-do list, so looking forward to knowing how you get on :thumb
Thanks Rod, appreciate that I'll look into this in the new year.
Sounds like a todo for the new year Thankyou
Good luck hacking into the T4 forum!

You'll need to create a password containing minimum 15 capital letters, 10 lowercase, 30 numbers, 27 random symbols, all typed backwards, some upsidedown and in Arabic, spin around three times, click your heels together and hope. After five attempts it'll bar you for three years.
Hi you,

I initially ordered a new T6 without cruise and asked the dealer to quote for retro fit. It was £550 plus VAT. I then changed the order and got it added to the factory order for just under £200 with discount. I know yours is a different vehicle but labour costs and length of time it takes may drastically affect your final quote/cost?
Anyone in Belgium (nr Brussels?) have the VCDS link and able to switch on the cruise control in the ECU for me? :D
Anyone in Belgium (nr Brussels?) have the VCDS link and able to switch on the cruise control in the ECU for me? :D

Should read:
VCDS link and Cable
(can't seem to edit posts?)
Should read:
VCDS link and Cable
(can't seem to edit posts?)
You need to be a VIP member to enable the Edit function, I believe.
Well, I finally got around to fitting the Cruise Control, took about an hour (most of that trying to locate the plug behind all the wiring in the fuse box! Hint - its right at the back with barely enough slack to catch it...).

I followed the instructions from here: http://www.vwt4forum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=50395
Very concise and easy to follow. I also bought the VCDS Lite software and cable from ebay (about £10) and enabled it. So total cost around £100 all in... Shop around for the new stalk, prices vary from what I saw...

Anyway all works a treat, very happy with the result - can highly recommend having a go if anyone is thinking of adding this :thumb

Good job, and great value - you have to love the T4. VW made it a lot more difficult and expensive to retrofit on the T5 - all depends on the module fitted, age, front fogs etc...
Strong work.

It's a game changer. I love it. Use it all the time.
Indeed, after last years trips and a sore ankle, it was on the top of my list of 'to-have'... A little fiddly, but no reason why anyone with a few basic tools and the ability to read, can't do it...

He's (the girls have decided its a 'he') in the garage today for a service - although they found the water pump is leaking (which has turned into 'may as well change the timing belt while we're in there'... oh well, its only money! :confused:
Someone said it would be cheaper to rent one each time you want to go away - beginning to think they were right :talktothehand... C'est la vie :D
Timing belts and water pumps usually go hand in hand as one job.
Snap, no not literally,mines getting done as we speak, service and mot, allard erg delete :thumb

VW California Club
