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T5 won't start - possible inhibitor switch issue?



T5 SE 174

I've been running a 2006 California 2.5 tdi Auto for a few years. It developed an issue a few months back whereby it wouldn't start. Keys in, turn ignition and nothing turning. I moved the gear lever down and up and tried again and bingo ! It starts. I lived with that issue for a few months and, as it only happened occasionally, I planned to get it looked at properly at next service.

A few days ago the issue became more serious. It wouldn't start at all. The recovery company (AA in this case) came out and, after I explained what symptoms I had seen, the guy wired power directly to the starter motor and it started 1st time. When he tested it with a meter, he confirmed that no power was being sent to the starter when the key was turned. I drove home and now it's in the driveway awaiting an enduring fix. I'm hoping for some help on this and, though I've read other posts that sound similar in terms of symptoms and fix, there are some key bits of information missing.


From my description, does it sound likely that the "inhibitor switch" is the issue here?
I've also seen reference to "Transmission Range Sensors"; could that also be a source of the problem?
If it isn't either of these, what else does it sound like it could it be (other than a wiring issue) ?
On a 2006 2.5TDI 174 Auto box, where is the inhibitor switch? Is it on/underneath the gear shift/lever assembly itself (accessible from inside the cabin) or somewhere else?
On a 2006 2.5TDI 174 Auto box, where is the Transmission Range Sensor ? Is it on/underneath the gear shift/lever assembly itself (accessible from inside the cabin) or somewhere else?
Does anyone have any VW part number for these parts? Inhibitor switch and Transmission Range Sensor?
Can anyone point me at a picture of what these things looks like?

Some background:

Battery has been checked and is fine
Immobiliser has been checked and is fine
VAN had a new starter fitted in last 12 months

Thanks for your help ! Desperate to get the van back on the road
could be the ignition switch very common problem on the T4
Hey thanks for the response. It's a T5 so not sure if that makes any difference here? Also, would that tally with the other symptoms? i.e. having to move gear lever before it would recognise the vehicle was in P or N and allow the starter to then fire?
As an update to this, someone has suggested to me that it's most likely to require this part:

OEN 09G 919 823

Sods law it isn't in stock anywhere :-(. Anyway posting just in case it helps someone else. I will try to find on Ebay for now.
Hi Brayveheart

I have very similar issues with a 2007 2.5 Tiptronic SE 174 Cali
The problems with the vehicle sometimes not starting with a audible clicking sound.Then I would move the auto shifter lever up and down a few times and it would start making me thing its a switch inside the cab linked to the auto shifter lever.
I have replaced the battery thinking this may at fault but the problem remains and is getting worse.

I'm going to take a look at the starter solenoid today to see if that's the issue but still think its possibly related to some sort of micro switch linked to the auto shift lever ?

Did you manage to get any permanent solution with your vehicle that may help me diagnose the issue with mine ?

Many Thanks
Are you any good with a voltmeter and a wiring scheme?

Yes - Sort it out methodically

No - Call an auto electrician

End of discussion.
Hi Brayveheart

Did you ever get to the bottom of your starting problem ?
Would appreciate an update
QUOTE="dfps, post: 565441, member: 181"]
Hi Brayveheart

Did you ever get to the bottom of your starting problem ?
Would appreciate an update
I guess they probably did as they’ve not been seen on here since Jun 17, 2020.
Hi vmaxkiddy

That's a bit annoying.
How difficult would it have been to give a brief update ....which may have helped others in a similar position.
Hi vmaxkiddy

That's a bit annoying.
How difficult would it have been to give a brief update ....which may have helped others in a similar position.
Not uncommon, I’m afraid.
Okay...quick update.

So.... after a lot of sweating (30 degrees C) and swearing I managed to get my starter motor off. ( VWT5 2.5 Tiptronic 2007 BPC engine)

I did need an extra person to help.
The autobox and surrounding trim, pipes, wires made it a lot harder than it needed to be plus the bolts were very dry and needed to be undone slowly and with care
and liberal releasing oil to be sure not to shear them.

It was one of the most awkward access jobs I have ever is doable with a mainly with access from the top and some access for the bottom bolt
via the very restricted space from below.

If anyone needs advice on doing the job please pm me. Happy to give what advice I can offer.

2 main bolts hold the starter.They are a double threaded bolt.
ie : the top parts of the thread is a reduced size ( 10mm bolt) which in my case ,one held on a plastic trim and the other bolt ( lower bolt) held on the main negative ground cable.
to the engine block via the starter bolt.
The 10mm nuts need to be removed first.
Once the 10mm nuts are removed it is possible to access the 18mm bolts which is the main stud bolt that holds on the starter itself.
The lower bolt is difficult to find to start with.

You will need a long reach 10mm & 18mm socket with a 3/8 drive and some pipe to fit over the socket for leverage.

If anyone needs advice on doing the job please pm me. Happy to give what advice I can offer.

I have yet to refit the starter as I have one on order and am hoping refitting will be a bit more straightforward. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it is the starter that is the cause of my starting issues.

I will update if there is anything of note that needs to be added.
You could just get the old starter motor rewound. Usually quicker than waiting for a new one.

(We did the same on our T4 + 160,000 miles as impossible to get a new replacement, was as good as new.)
I looked at various options to sort the problem including rebuilding my own starter but due to the difficulty of the job I decided to go for a brand new starter as I did not want to refit my old starter only to find I had to pull it out again.
I managed to get a brand new starter made by Hella for under £90 so fitted that in a couple of hours and hey Cali starts straight away and all issues have gone....RESULT.

VW California Club
