Anyone located a source for T6.1 rubber walk through front footwell mats? I can only find front mats without the walk through bit...
SRory just noticed you said T6
found some - but are not very good (fixing holes don't line up..) still looking for an alternative; tried Campervan bits and they don't have any yet.Looking for these mats as well, did you manage to find any?
I ordered some from them for my T6.1 unfortunately they didn't fit - the holes for securing them were in the wrong place by 20mmI contacted the Club Shop after post no.5 above, but they said that post was wrong, they didn't (at that time anyway) have walkthrough mats for the 6.1.
Anyway I got this one from https://vehiclematsuk.com/volkswagen-transporter-t61-walk-through-tailored-van-mats-2020-present and I'm pleased with it, especially since I live in one of the wetter parts of the UK. Great service from the supplier.
5 different weights. Which would you recommend?Vehicle Mats Uk now have a California walkthrough mat on their website:
We are very happy with it and also received great customer service.
Did you order them with VW then before delivery as an extra ?T6.1 walk through mats for foot wells are now available. Mine were delivered with the vehicle when I asked for rubber foot well mats.
Yes. Ordered just before collection.Did you order them with VW then before delivery as an extra ?
Does anyone know if mats that cover the center console (under the shifter) exist? Ideal would be that it is all made of one part (together with left and right mat), not separate. I couldn't find any...
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