T6 Glass Option Details from VWCV

Thanks for that. I will be interested to see people's opinions on which one to go for having never owned a Cali myself. I'm going to get an Indium Grey Ocean.
Still slightly confused and probably need a sit down with my dealer.
I'm still confused though it appears that the option I've gone for is insulating, noise reducing and contains privacy glass which is what I was after o_O

It appears to have less infrared transmission too so I'm hoping that kids and dog will be kept cool.

Re IR reflective glass from the VW website...

Normal glass can only reflect UV rays, leaving infrared light (heat radiation) to pass through virtually unhindered. We use a special coating, based on a silver alloy, on our Infrared Reflective Glass which reflects much of the long-wave infrared light. This reduces the heat felt if strong sunlight is shining into your car and means a more pleasant journey.

Re heat insulating glass from the VW website...

Tinted heat-insulating glass reduces the intensity of sunlight and heat build-up inside your car. This increases your comfort and driving safety, particularly in the summer.
Do be aware that if you have the Infrared Reflective Glass fitted, the Toll dongles (Tele Peage etc), if you use them, must be fitted to the black patch behind the interior rear view mirror. This area is kept clear of the silver alloy coating specifically for these devices.

I am ordering my cali this week but confused on the glass options. I am looking for a limo tint look so will most probably have an after market tint done. However which will option would be better for this QL0 privacy glass with double glazing or QL6 laminated glass.

Is the window infront of the cupboard darker in QL0 or QL6?

Any tips on applying aftermarket tints, is any film applied to the window infrint of the cukboard or is it just left as it is?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I am ordering my cali this week but confused on the glass options. I am looking for a limo tint look so will most probably have an after market tint done. However which will option would be better for this QL0 privacy glass with double glazing or QL6 laminated glass.

Is the window infront of the cupboard darker in QL0 or QL6?

Any tips on applying aftermarket tints, is any film applied to the window infrint of the cukboard or is it just left as it is?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Laminated glass is theoretically slightly darker in the main van but less so on the cab windows than privacy according to the spreadsheet. So if you're planning on putting a film on anyway then ql0 might be better and save you some money. Generally people don't put extra tint on the cab windows because of the legal restrictions so you could only put a really light one there anyway. Many tinters won't do it.
We have laminated but I've never tried comparing side by side with privacy to see if the spreadsheet is right! Maybe that's a job for the Dorset meet!?
Ocean ? coast? beach?
This will have a big impact on the final result of adding after market tints. The glass area behind the kitchen on an Ocean or coast is one factor (clear or black) and the double glazing is another (different reflection than single glazed areas).
With this in mind the California's with a kitchen need extra careful consideration.
I haven't done after market myself but I believe the best option for an Ocean is likely to be VW privacy glass QL0 for consistency.

If you are getting a beach I believe the choices to get an even Limo tint should be less complicated as there is no kitchen and double glazing would only be a consideration if added as an optional extra.
Ocean ? coast? beach?
This will have a big impact on the final result of adding after market tints. The glass area behind the kitchen on an Ocean or coast is one factor (clear or black) and the double glazing is another (different reflection than single glazed areas).
With this in mind the California's with a kitchen need extra careful consideration.
I haven't done after market myself but I believe the best option for an Ocean is likely to be VW privacy glass QL0 for consistency.

If you are getting a beach I believe the choices to get an even Limo tint should be less complicated as there is no kitchen and double glazing would only be a consideration if added as an optional extra.

Its an ocean.....thats why im worried if i do an aftermarket tint, nothing can be done to the window infront of the furniture.

I am wondering which will have a better end result after adding an aftermarket tint the QL6 or QL0. I would have thought as QL6 is slightly darker, there would be less difference between the untouchable window and the rest.

My other question which option is better for keeping the car cool, sound and insulation: tde double glazing or laminated?
Well if the laminated glass is single glazed and privacy you should be better off then. Not because of the darker tint but because adding limo tint to single glazing on the sides should match the area behind the wardrobe better provided its blacked out with the laminated pack like it is with QL0. That only leaves the tailgate glass. If thats not part of the single glazed laminated pack then you either accept the change in reflection or order with the heated rear screen - thus forfeiting the double glazing but allowing a closer match for the additional limo tint.
As for your 2nd question...the insulation for heat should be unnoticeable really..how are you ever going to tell? But the claim that its quieter should be a bonus ...except once more how will you ever know?
Well if the laminated glass is single glazed and privacy you should be better off then. Not because of the darker tint but because adding limo tint to single glazing on the sides should match the area behind the wardrobe better provided its blacked out with the laminated pack like it is with QL0. That only leaves the tailgate glass. If thats not part of the single glazed laminated pack then you either accept the change in reflection or order with the heated rear screen - thus forfeiting the double glazing but allowing a closer match for the additional limo tint.
As for your 2nd question...the insulation for heat should be unnoticeable really..how are you ever going to tell? But the claim that its quieter should be a bonus ...except once more how will you ever know?

Thats exactly along the lines i was thinking. It would be good to know if anyone ordered the ql6 and whether the window behind the cupboard is blacked out like the QL0
Would you be kind enough to add that to the resource section for posterity and make it easier to find for others
2 things, how reliable is this info (for T6) and, does it also apply for T6.1 ?

e.g double glazing vs privacy glass, if I read this right, the privacy glass option is thicker than the double glazing, seems odd... anyone have any extra info on that?

Anyway I'll ask the dealer and see what I can find out...
2 things, how reliable is this info (for T6) and, does it also apply for T6.1 ?

e.g double glazing vs privacy glass, if I read this right, the privacy glass option is thicker than the double glazing, seems odd... anyone have any extra info on that?

Anyway I'll ask the dealer and see what I can find out...
Thanks - I presume Z2C (that comes with the Sports Pack) is the top row on the table? Would be good to know precisely what that ADDS to the standard T6.1 glass.
The configurator says it adds privacy glass in the rear, but I understand that is the same as standard Ocean rear glass. I understand all Z2C now adds is laminated cab glass (top two lines in the table) - harder to break, better sound and heat insulation (though the table only mentions heat), but probably not worth the £720ish that Z2C would cost (if you were able to spec it alone these days, which I understand you can't!).
Clear as mud? Many things are with VW Commercial and their confuserator.
Thanks - I presume Z2C (that comes with the Sports Pack) is the top row on the table? Would be good to know precisely what that ADDS to the standard T6.1 glass.
The configurator says it adds privacy glass in the rear, but I understand that is the same as standard Ocean rear glass. I understand all Z2C now adds is laminated cab glass (top two lines in the table) - harder to break, better sound and heat insulation (though the table only mentions heat), but probably not worth the £720ish that Z2C would cost (if you were able to spec it alone these days, which I understand you can't!).
Clear as mud? Many things are with VW Commercial and their confuserator.
Same feeling!

I've ordered the Edition model, which has some darker glass, then added this:

[Z2A] Insulating glass with improved exterior noise insulation and darkened panes in the passenger compartment, sliding window normal glass darkened

The option of double-glazed wasn't there, but on the non-editions it is available, but also the insulating glass thingy

Same feeling!

I've ordered the Edition model, which has some darker glass, then added this:

[Z2A] Insulating glass with improved exterior noise insulation and darkened panes in the passenger compartment, sliding window normal glass darkened

The option of double-glazed wasn't there, but on the non-editions it is available, but also the insulating glass thingy

Z2A not available in the UK (but may be standard on some California models, though not even the dealers know what they're selling it seems). The Edition model too is reserved for our more discerning continental friends. We are not worthy.
Z2A not available in the UK (but may be standard on some California models, though not even the dealers know what they're selling it seems). The Edition model too is reserved for our more discerning continental friends. We are not worthy.
I feel so special :happy

VW California Club
