T6 Ocean bits and bobs



T6 Ocean 204
Hi I’m picking up a new Cali Ocean on Wednesday and was wondering if anyone could tell me what bits and pieces I should receive. I’ve seen comments on cup holders and torches, is there a list anywhere I could print and take me. Have owned a Cali for 6 years but have forgotten what to expect with a new one.
2 fly screens
2 towel rails
Rear cup holder (2 parts)
Safety net
12v torch (small one plugs into dash)
Oil top up (1 or 2 ? litres)
Leather wallet with the manuals in

In the drawer under the bench there should be the awning handle (if you have the awning).
Behind the bench there should be the tool kit
Under the work top in the sink there should be a plastic bowl

I think just about everything else should be pretty hard for them to lose or forget... (ie spare wheel, gas fittings etc)
As an addendum to the above:

The toolkit in the boot, fastened to the back of the bench seat, should also be home to the locking wheel nut, the jack etc. It is worth asking for it to be opened and checked that all is present and correct.

A few tales, locking wheel nuts especially, of it not quite being the complete article.

It is also quite worth while becoming a premium member. You not only get access to the check lists (invaluable) but also get access to a lot of discounts. With a new Cali you are going to be buying heaps of bits and will probably get your money back a few times over with discounts.

Edit: Make sure you have the roof raised before hand over as well. Check no tears in the fabric and it goes up and down evenly.
Can't beat being VIP on here for sure.
Also need to check emergency closing roof straps are there.
Gas connection/regulator . You have to buy a gas cylinder.
One person had to return to dealer because remote heater had not been paired with the Cali.
First aid kit/warning triangle .
Spare wheel is actually present.

We found the list invaluable ,members have added items missing .

Our sliding table had a leg missing !
Enjoy your collection.
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Fire blanket, in the cupboard under the gas rings.

Also if a Factory fitted tow bar has been fitted, the detachable bit plus red topped key will be in the tool kit strapped behind the back seat, accessed through the tailgate.

Check the deckchair's are in the zipped compartment.
Depending on what wheels you opt for there may not be a spare wheel. You will get a repair kit instead of you go for the larger alloys :thumb
It would be good if steels could be ordered and save a £1000, for those who wish to change their wheels later.
I’m thinking of the steelies for mine next year. They may be bland but I prefer them to alloys
Thank you everyone your info is invaluable and very much appreciated.

VW California Club
