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T6 Ocean Satnav and Creating Routes



T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
Hi All,

We are looking at touring France in May in the Cali and I would like to pre-load some designated 'routes' into the sat nav memory so I can recall them on the day, i.e Route 1 - Calais to Lemans for example and then the next day Route 2 - Lemans to Bergerac for example.

The fitted sat nav manual talks about creating routes but is not very clear and doesn't really seem to fit what I am after.

Also, sometimmes I do not like the 3 option routes recommended by the sat nav and I would like to create my own route (and store this in the sat nav memory as described above).

Has anybody any idea if this can be done please?

Any advice or suggestions, gratly appreciated.

Oh, the system is the standard VW touchscreen infotainment system supplied in the California.

Great question. I don’t know the answer - but will watch responses from our more knowledgable members :thumb
I have done it in the past - go to my tours at the bottom of the screen and then the new tour button. and enter each waypoint you are planning to head for. However, our trips become fluid on the route so I find it a bit of a pain to pain using this function. We tend to make a note of planned stops and waypoints in a notebook and enter them as we go (actually done by passenger) If you plan on system say Southampton - Basingstoke - Oxford before you know it it takes you to Basingstoke centre while you actually want to by-pass it. Manually as we get to the outskirts of Basingstoke passenger would enter the next point thus remaining on ring roads.
I have done it in the past - go to my tours at the bottom of the screen and then the new tour button. and enter each waypoint you are planning to head for. However, our trips become fluid on the route so I find it a bit of a pain to pain using this function. We tend to make a note of planned stops and waypoints in a notebook and enter them as we go (actually done by passenger) If you plan on system say Southampton - Basingstoke - Oxford before you know it it takes you to Basingstoke centre while you actually want to by-pass it. Manually as we get to the outskirts of Basingstoke passenger would enter the next point thus remaining on ring roads.
I do like your strap line 'An Ocean by the sea' . And yes, I have tried that method by putting 2 destinations in and it routes you to city centres.
The best I have got to at the moment is to create a route, say Calais to Le Mans, by inputing a start point (Calais ferry terminal say) and an end point (Le Mans southern ring road say) using the menu option 'pick position from map'.
By then using intermediary waypoint options within this route using the same menu option, you can then 'force' the satnav to navigate you on the chosen route you want to go rather than the stupid 3 options it gives you, then timing out before you have made your mind up. ‍♂️
And agree, this doesnt give you the flexibility to change your mind on the day and is a faff!
Perhaps best to just input the destination and blindly follow sat nav and live with the consequences.
Thanks for suggestions though.
My approach would be to plan it all out on a PC in the comfort of your home and load it on your phone's navigator app rather than sit in the van for hours on end to fiddle with the unimpressive VW software.

With apple or android play you can navigate directly from the app. If that isn't an option then you could just use the phone on the dash or input each day's route in the navigator prior to departure.

To be honest, my wn approach would be to not plan too much and just wing it on the day, lol.

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